Track Seeason | Teen Ink

Track Seeason

March 26, 2014
By Malpacino_ BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Malpacino_ BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

During the Spring Semester of school there are quite a few sports to play if you’re a male athlete. There’s Baseball, Lacrosse, Track, and Volleyball. Out of those three I chose to do Track. Track comes kind of natural to me. You just have to be in shape and dedicated to it and get the mechanics down. During this essay I’ll tell you my personal experience with Track. My likes and dislikes.

I have done track once before and that was freshman year. I stopped because of the lack of people on the team. Everyone either failed off the team or just gave up on me, but now I look at that as in excuse to quitting. Now I’m dedicated to it because I never want to be labeled as a quitter or a person who never finishes things. It’s not my primary sport because football is, but the conditioning will help me out and make me even more athletic then what I am. So my goal for this track season is to break school records, make states, and push my teammates around me.
I have few likes for track. The Long jump, Triple jump, 100 meter, and the 4x1 relay. I like the Long jump and Triple jump because I can really show off my athleticism. I play basketball so there’s a lot of leaping involved and I can dunk. So why not do the Long Jump and Triple Jump and test out how far I can leap. The 100 in my opinion is the easiest race because it’s just flat out sprint, now I’m the not the fastest guy but I can accelerate very fast off the blocks so I use that to my advantage a lot. The 4x1 I look at as very fun race because it’s speed and mainly teamwork and timing. I like this race because teammates can really push each other.

My DISLIKES are quite a few. One is running long distances, now as much as of an athlete I am I don’t like running long distances at practice especially the 2.6 mile Carousel Park. The weather because Spring is the most bipolar season. Running the 400 meter because that is the most difficult race because it’s full out spring around the entire track. Being sore after practice because running track you use a lot of different muscles. Those are pretty much my dislikes of track.

Since I’ve told you my personal experience with track I want to tell you my goals. This track season I will break Dickinson’s Long jump and Triple jump record. I want to become more conditioned. Become more faster and meet new people from track especially girls. I want to make states for Long jump and Triple jump. That is my personal experience during the track season.

The author's comments:
I like track.

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