Teachers | Teen Ink


April 17, 2014
By Anonymous

Since I attend two High Schools during the day, its hard to meet the expectations of two different systems. I take technical classes from 7:30am-10:00 am to take Health Science for Nursing and Human Anatomy. Then I return to my home school at about 10:30am and take my basic core classes til 3:08pm. Therefore, I come across multiple teachers throughout the day. At my morning school, my Anatomy and Physiology teacher is Russian and talks with a very distinct accent that nobody can understand. She expects you to have every answer correct on 40 question assignments, receive an A on every test given in her class, have perfect attendance and anything turned in late receives 50% off. And if you happen to have 2-3 questions wrong on a 40 questions assignment, you receive 50% off, and each tardy you have in her class, she takes a point off of your letter grade. As you can see, her guide lines and high expectations are impossible to meet. When I return to my home school at 10:30 am to take my core classes; my teachers can understand If I have been working every night of the week and can’t find the time to finish an assignment, or if I leave my homework in my locker, or even if it’s an emergency and I have to use the restroom in the middle of class.

My Anatomy and Physiology teach is like no other. She doesn’t listen to any of your excuses and chooses to ignore your question if she has to repeat anything more than once. Not only does she make me spend countless hours on her over-complicated homework assignments, but I have received no credit for choosing not to strain my hand into writing seven pages of nonsense that I can’t even pronounce. It’s almost inevitable that I can always expect her to find something wrong with me each time I walk into her class room. Being, that I’m not much of a morning person, its ironic that I have her class first thing. And I just happened to walk into class the wrong morning. Instead of using my notebook like I was originally suppose to, I just happened to type up a six page study guide of the Respiratory System. What should have been an A++, resulted in a 0. I wasn’t too happy. If this were the same case at my home school, my teachers would have just asked me to email it to them!

I’m just a little bit confused as to why all of my teachers set different standards and expectations for all of their students. When it comes to my homework assignments at my home school, everything is completed, turned in and assigned online. That way, your saving trees and keeping everything in one place. It’s a lot more organized. I really do like most of my teachers, but my dislike for my Anatomy and Physiology teacher has come well to easy for me. Within my years of school I have had many teachers all being different. Some tend to be nice, creative, strict, awkward, lenient, and even crazy-they’re never the same. But my Anatomy teacher takes the cake. Not only is she strict, she sometimes seems angry. It seem likes every time I interrupt her lecture to ask a question on the topic, it’s a burden and a waste of her time. I often wonder if she even likes her job. When I walk into her classroom each morning, I think of endless possibilities to plan an escape. Never seems to work out, so I just ask myself what could go wrong within the next 45 minutes of sitting in her classroom. Knowing that something will, its just a matter of time before she figures it out herself. It’s very hard for me to like her, especially when it seems like “she’s out to get me.” I just don’t understand. Teachers spend years in school learning how to teach, then spend years teaching something they love. Why can’t they some how make us students love learning just as much as they love teaching?

The author's comments:
I hope that this writing piece influences teachers to be a little more lenient and understanding and not to set high expectations that are impossible to meet.

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