A Boy and His Girl | Teen Ink

A Boy and His Girl

May 2, 2014
By Anonymous

Let me tell you a story about a boy who hated life. This boy shall remain nameless.

This boy hated life. He hated it so much that one day he decided he would kill himself. He decided to do it slowly so that no one would notice when he was not there one day. He did this by popping pills. He swallowed whatever he found in his medicine cabinet. He did this for about four months. Then he met a girl. He loved this girl very much. So much that the promised to each other that they would not harm themselves. So, they didn’t. One day the girl’s parents sent her away to a special hospital to get better. This was the first time the boy lost his girl.
Six long weeks later the girl returns. The boy missed her very much, but it appeared that the girl did not even notice that they were separated and weren’t anymore. This hurt the boy a lot. He was starting to think about the pills again, but he wanted to keep his promise to the girl so he did not take any.

They eventually talk and the girl said that she missed the boy and doesn’t want to be separated ever again and that she likes the boy. This surprised the boy. The boy asked if they could be in a relationship and the girl replied with she didn’t think she was ready for a relationship. They then came up with the idea that they’d be friends with a little more. The boy was fine with this because at least he had the girl. A couple of days later the girl came to the boy and told her that she couldn’t do it, that he just wasn’t the one. This was the second and final time the boy lost her. He decided that if he wasn’t good for her then why would he have to keep his promise? The boy went back onto his plan to kill himself slowly using the pills. He hopes that when he is gone that she will realize that she lost him and she can’t get him back.

The author's comments:
This is my "friends" story and also my first nonfiction piece.

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