A Blessing That Changed My Life! | Teen Ink

A Blessing That Changed My Life!

August 28, 2014
By Maria_02150 BRONZE, Chelsea, Massachusetts
Maria_02150 BRONZE, Chelsea, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I have always loved school, I love writing most of all!! During my junior year in highschool I was looking at websites to see if I could publish my own book. Until one day something unexpected happened to me. I was so excited to start my senior year till I found out I was pregnant. I was 7 weeks when I found out, I was so dissapointed, mad, sad but most of all scared. I felt my dreams crashed, I just wanted to give up. My parents yelled at me and even cried because we had decided the college I wanted to attend. All they said was "you're not going to graduate! How are you suppose to do it now?" Those words stabbed my heart, my parents doubted me. Till one day I sat down on my bed and cried non stop. My boyfriend hugged me and promised me he would always be there for me and our baby. As days passed my belly grew and my thoughts changed, I would go to school everyday non stop. I would do all my homework, classwork and projects. People would ask me how I would do it but all I said was my daughter, she's my motivasion. It was hard walking through the hallways and people staring at you. People would also doubt me and say I wouldn't graduate, but nothing stopped me. Once I had my daughter, my life changed; I no longer thought about myself, it was all about my daughter. Three weeks after I had my daughter I had my gallbladder removed. I had gallstones, and was getting severe pain which almost caused me to die. Those were the hardest days of my life. Not only did I have to take care of my newborn but also take care of myself. I was stressed out because my boyfriend had to go to work everyday and I would do it all by myself. He had to drop out in order to work for our daughter and I. When I went back to school I needed two more classes to graduate, I did extra credit like crazy and even stayed afterschool to do extra work! June 8th, 2014 I was walking across a stage to get my highschool diploma. I raised it up in the air and said "Thank You God, This is for my daughter!!!" I can honestly say a baby not only changes your life but it also bring motivation into your life. Once I graduated i got into a carrer training school where i will be becoming a medical assistant soon! I want to give my family the best future I can. They are my world. Each night I thank God for giving me the best baby daddy and for blessing me with the most precious baby!

The author's comments:
My own life expierience inspired me to right about my story. I know many girls get pregnant at an early age but it's a life that will change you, a blessing God sends you, for you to love it and learn each day. Anything is possible in life; it just takes hard work, dedication, determination, motivation and most of all effort. When I thought my dreams were going to end God gave strength to get up, wipe my tears and become someone better. Never give up, keep going forward. Remember: God gives his strongest battles, to his strongest soldiers!!

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