From the Drivers Seat | Teen Ink

From the Drivers Seat

September 25, 2014
By soccergirl75 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
soccergirl75 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everything will be okay in the end, if it's not okay, it's not the end

 It was my second month of driving and my mom always complained that I did not drive enough. Every morning she asked, “Do you want to drive today?” Most days I said no because I did not want to make us late. Occasionally I said yes knowing I’d have to drive sometime otherwise I could not get my license.
After having my mom badger me constantly I finally gave in to driving. Most days it went well, 93.7 radio station, some light conversation and the same route every day. My mom would sometimes tell me I was going to fast or get in the other lane or make sure I look out the window behind me before changing lanes. They were only little things. Other than that I was a pretty good driver.
So one Monday morning in June my mom asked, “Do you want to drive to practice today?” I said yes. As everyone piled in the car I climbed into the drivers seat. The car had been pulled into the driveway so I was backing out. I let go of the brake and the car rolled forward a little. I hit the brake. Thinking it was only because I was downhill I hit the gas really quick. My mom almost yelling, “Don’t! You’re in-” but we were already going. I went straight through the support poles holding up the awning and into the bricks next to the garage. Only then did I realize that my mom had said I was in drive not reverse and thats why I ran into the house. I freaked out and put it in park, pulled the emergency brake and said, “I’m not driving anymore”.
My mom called my dad. I knocked down 2 poles and dented the bumper a little. He was not as mad as I thought he would have been; more surprised than anything.  My mom did not yell at me either, she just kept saying I needed to drive again. It was very scary and  I really did not want to drive again, fearing I would run into something else. But everyone has to have their first accident sometime.
My mom told me how her first accident was in her moms car, into another car, without her mom knowing. She said it was better that she knew and it was not into another car. I did end up driving again and now I’m very careful of which gear its in.

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