The Slide Fall | Teen Ink

The Slide Fall

October 20, 2014
By Pepe Guajardo BRONZE, Santa Catarina, Nuevo Loen, Other
Pepe Guajardo BRONZE, Santa Catarina, Nuevo Loen, Other
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I was a very, very energetic boy when I was six. This make me have a lot of problems when I was like that. One of the problems I will never forget is when I went to a party with my friend Jose Manuel and it was one of the times were my energy cost me my… time and my nervousness. It was the first time that I got to go to a hospital because of my own needs not because of someone else’s.

I was a six year old, on the car with my best friend Jose Manuel. We were talking about little boy’s stuff like; Power Rangers, Pokémon, Bakugan and little kid stuff. We were waiting on the car for Jose Manuel’s mom to take us to our friend’s party, which was going to be really cool because everyone in the generation was going to go to it. As we were getting to the place we had to go up this mountain that was really steep but seemed like it was no problem to the car. When we started getting closer to the party we could start hearing shouts from kids outside the car, laughter, and kids yelling all over the place. My eyes stared to grow and get wide when I start seeing all the things that the party had… it was a kid paradise. It had a snack place were there was Five bowls of chips and soda and doughnuts! Then I start seeing all the games that were there for us to use, I see a bouncy soccer field that was green, blue and a shade of green. There is another bouncy house that is just for jumping and the part was that there was an “Extremely Big Bouncy Slide” Which was the best thing that there always is when there is a party this big. That is was I had to do first,

“I have to got to the Extremely Big Bouncy Slide first so that I could be the best slider In the World!” I say to Jose Manuel. “It’s is going to be the best Party ever!”


I run and jump out of the car to the green, long field of grass and as soon as the door opens up and start heading for the Extremely Big Bouncy Slide Ignoring everyone else that was in the party, the only thing I wanted right now was get to the of top the Extremely Big Slide and slide so cool that everyone tries to do the same as I do.

“Jose Manuel, Come quick lets slide together!” I shout to Jose Manuel when I get to the top of the Extremely Big Slide.

“I’m coming, wait. Sheesh,” he says but he is talking like he is tired and didn’t want to slide or even be at the party, which was weird for him because he is so energetic. “Would you give me a break?”

As soon as Jose Manuel gets to the top, some big kids start also climbing up to the top. I felt uncomfortable being with kids almost double our size. As they keep getting up I keep getting more scared forgetting that I am the top the Extremely Big Bouncy Slide, then it happened. The big kids start jumping up and down all over the top of the Big Bouncy Slide and a small earthquake starts and makes me go up and down and up and down. Eventually I got scared because I couldn’t even get up from the floor. Then, suddenly, all of the boys stop jumping. I look up. All of the big kids are now running side to the side on the top of the slide where I was. The slide was starting to lean side to side. The last thing I heard was a shout.

“Stop it!” I think that it was a mom trying to make the older kids stop, but she was too late, the Slide was already falling sideways and I was falling to the ground.

The one thing that I remember is the grass below me, it was as green as a frog’s belly but I was going to fall in it. Then, everything goes quiet. I feel a big amount of weight on top of me and I can get it off. My hand starts hurting then a shout comes out of me.

“Ahhhhhhh!” After that I start crying. Eventually a couple of moms come and get the kids on top of me off. They put me up and ask me what hurts in me.

“My arm.” I say with a cry. After that Jose Manuel’s mom took me to her car and drove to a hospital. The last time I was in that car I was happy and exited, but now it is the opposite. Once we were halfway to the hospital she talked to my parents in the phone and told them to meet us in the hospital. I looked out the window. I could see grey clouds coming toward us, I Imagined those clouds to be on top of the party, if they actually were there and if it was raining, I would not been on the slide and I wouldn’t have fallen and I wouldn’t have gotten hurt. Finally we got to the hospital and the put me in a little room that after a few minutes my parents came. The doctor said that it was not very severe but that I had to let it rest for a while. I went back to my house and tried to forget about what happened.


I then Realized that If I played to much or too hard I would eventually get hurt so from then on out I had to control myself, which it is still really hard to do but I can control it now. It was one of my most foolish act, which was to try to be cool, and almost cost me my hand. Never again shall I be foolish.

The author's comments:

It is an important peice of my life.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 30 2014 at 12:57 pm
Pepe Guajardo BRONZE, Santa Catarina, Nuevo Loen, Other
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment
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