Lost but Never Forgotten | Teen Ink

Lost but Never Forgotten

October 29, 2014
By Anonymous

He was tall, pale; you could see the color of snow in his wrinkled face, he had completely white hair, large, light grey eyes full of innocence. He was and will always be the most perfectionist, most classy person I have ever met. Some say that people who like everything perfect are always so annoying and disturbing, but not him: He was the opposite. He was somewhat like a new pet, at first, very shy but when you get to know him, full of love, trustworthy, optimistic and affectionate. My grandpa. He was like the boy best friend I never had. We would always tell each other everything. Even our deepest secrets. Not only would he listen, he would also give me advise and understand me. I thought our friendship would never end, at least not until I was all grown.

But remember, life is full of surprises.
Raindrops crashed the ground as fast as bullets. I was lying in my bed with my huge, fluffy blanket. My room was as dark as the shadows of twilight overthinking the fact that my grandpa had told me he would not go to San Antonio with me. This made me mad at him.
“Why wouldn’t he not come with us?” I wondered.
My dad and mom were watching television when suddenly, “RRRRRIIIIINGG!!!” the phone rang, as always. My dad picked up the phone in his bedroom. He loudly gasped. He ran and grabbed my mom buy the arm pulling her into the hallway.

“Vanina, come to the car, now. It is an emergency,” my dad ordered.
I heard that, and I was too afraid to ask them what was going on, I was supposed to be sleeping.
I nervously wondered what was happening, trying to come up with an idea. Nothing came to my head.
It was about 4 minutes after they had left when I heard a loud phone call. I was too frightened to go through the inmense, dark hallway that lead to all of the bedrooms. I felt like there was creepy creatures outside waiting to eat me. Not only that, but as I previously mentioned, my parents thought I was asleep. The phone kept ranging, as I said to myself “force your fears”

I hesitated a lot, but I kept repeating “force your fears.”
I got off my bed, darted to my parents’ room. I quickly picked up the phone and I said
“Hello, who is thi-“
“Eugenia, I am in the hospital, and I am sorry to say that your grandpa is about to die,” My dad
My heart dropped, I felt like I was going to faint. Tears automatically started rolling down my cheeks, like a waterfall.
“Oh my God,” I replied, “No, no, no, no, this can’t be happening. What can I do? Can I go to the hospital?”
“I am afraid you cannot come. I need you to wake up all your siblings, and I need you to pray for him.” “Yes, I will.-“
“Beep-beep-beep-beep, ” he had hung up. I understood he was nervous and in a hurry.
I walked to my sister’s room. I poked her repeatedly until she woke up. “What’s wrong with you! I was sleeping!” She shouted.

Moments later, she realized I was crying, and automatically asked, “What’s wrong?”
“Pane is about to-“ I broke into tears, she hugged me.
“We need to pray,” I announced. I was not strong enough to repeat those words again, and I asked her if she could go tell my brothers the news.

She did, and she came back in the hallways with two little half-asleep boys.
She came smiling because of them, with Bernardo the older one in one hand and Diego the younger one in the other hand. They could not stand up straight and could not even open their eyed completely. We sat in a circle in my sister’s bed. She got them to wake up completely and told them what was happening.
“Our father,” I started

All of my siblings prayed along, except the little one, he did not know the words. I watched him put his hands together, pretending that he knew the words.
Eventually, I walked back to my room. It was about twelve o’ clock now, and everyone had been dismissed. My sister went to her room and my brothers went to theirs. I went to my bed, and I could not stop thinking of him. Memories of me with him flashed through my head as a movie. I prayed and prayed, until I was getting lost because I was repeating the same words too many times. I had not stopped crying, my head started to hurt as it had never hurt. My eyes were intensely swollen and I could not even breathe because I had too much of a runny nose. To breathe out, I had to use my mouth. I realized It was getting late now, I had been lying in my bed for about 2 hours now. It was time to sleep.

The next morning, I did not even want to wake up, I did not dare to get the news.

“My life is incomplete without him, and every single second I am not with him will not feel O.K.” I thought to myself.
Tears welled in my eyes. I started crying again.

“Why did this moment had to come?”

I got up and slowly walked to the kitchen, all the crying made my mouth dry; I was desperate for water. While I walked down the long curled stairs, I realized that my house was as quiet as can be. You could literally hear a pin drop from the other side of the house. I saw my dad waiting for me with open huge arms like a jacket waiting to be used in winter. He hugged me and started to cry. This was it, he had passed. “There is something I have to tell you, in the hospital yesterday night, he admitted something and told me to tell you something: He was dying to go to San Antonio with us, but the problem was that he was getting really bad, and he did not want you to get sad because your friendship would not be the same. Also, he told me to tell you that he loves you, and that he will forever be with you, and protecting you all the way from heaven.” This time, I could not resist anymore; I hurried to my room and cried my feelings out. I wondered why tears did not stop coming out.

“Why? Why did I have to do this to him?” I thought to myself.

I just could not believe how he would have felt telling me that lie. I understood that he was doing it for my good, and I am grateful for that. The feeling of regret was killing me. I could have told him “it’s alright” and I did not.

“You are so stupid!” I quietly said to myself.
Why did you do this?” I repeated to myself.

I started thinking about how life is a mystery and how meaningful every second is, people do not fully recognize the importance of enjoying every split second.

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