The paint fight | Teen Ink

The paint fight

November 4, 2014
By mrgorden BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
mrgorden BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"whats life if you don't take risks?"

It was a lazy Sunday afternoon and the sun was out. My sister and I had just finished lunch, and we were both lazily sitting on the couch. My mom suddenly bursts into the room, full of excitement. “Everyone outside” she shouts “we are going to paint the fence!”
My sister and I groan as me trudge outside. My mom hands us our paint brushes as we lazily start to paint the fence. It was very hot outside, and we did more complaining than we did working, which didn’t make my mom very happy. We paint away, and it goes smoothly for awhile, that is, until our dog comes outside. Spotting the dog, my sister and I are desperate for anything to distract us, so we rush to the dog. As we are sitting there petting the dog, I notice that my sister had gotten paint on me as we ran over. So to make myself even with her, I threw a glob of paint at her face! My sister, not very happy about what just happened, throws some paint back at me, starting war between us. Paint starts flying through the air, getting on the house and grass, and even our dog!
My mom rushes outside after hearing the commotion, and as she steps out of the door a huge glob of paint covers her head! Her whole face lights up with anger and that quickly puts a stop to our paint fight, but the damage had been done. Most of the yard was covered in paint including my sister, mother, the dog, and myself. My sister and I spend the rest of the day finishing the paint job on the fence, and we both get grounded for the paint fight.

The author's comments:

This article was written for an english assignment, and is a true story about my family. my family know paints with caution around one another!

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