Kinley's Great Scare | Teen Ink

Kinley's Great Scare

November 23, 2014
By Max Halverson BRONZE, Nehalem, Oregon
Max Halverson BRONZE, Nehalem, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“911 what’s your emergency?” the police department said as my sister called them. “My 2 week old kid hasn’t been breathing for the past 30-60 seconds and she looks purple!” My whole family was scrambling at this point because we knew that something unusual was up. The last part of the conversation I heard was “we will be there in a minute ma’am”. I was watching Kinley just lay there, taking huge breaths in and not letting any of it out. I don’t want to see this happen. Why is this happening to her? “Max pack your stuff!” my mom said, “Alright”. I saw flashing lights reflect off the windows into my house. Here they are. I watched them come into my house and grab Kinley. The medic team took Kinley and started doing weird breathing tests. About five minutes later, we were headed to OHSU.

I watched the medic team take my niece and sister to the ambulance. Tears were just running down my face. I had to realize that everything would be ok. Never think negative. I saw the ambulance pull out of my driveway and take off. I never saw them again. I slowly walked back inside with my body cold and eyes red. It was late at night so I was slow when packing my stuff. Once all of our stuff was packed we immediately left, Once I sat in that cold seat, I covered up in the blanket and cried. My 2 week old niece just got taken to OHSU and could possibly have her life be in jeopardy. What else was I suppose to do? The last thing I remember that night is seeing a stoplight and everything went dark.

“Max lets go” my mom said as she woke me up. We were already at OHSU. This place is huge. The building was lit up like a Christmas tree. It was crazy. I was kind of surprised about how many people were there at 2 in the morning. It was about a 5 minute walk just to get from the car to the building. In my mind I kept asking myself, is Kinley okay? Is she going to make it? All these dumb questions to make myself even more stressed. Once I step foot in that building, I hated it. I hate the smell of hospitals. It was a nice building though. A lot of waiting areas with the additional mini stores to the left. As I got distracted looking at all these fancy items I needed to remember we were on a power walk to where Kinley was. My sister texted my mom telling her that they took Kinley and her straight to Doernbechers in the other wing of the building. As we approached the door to walk in, you see a ton of kids in wheelchairs or with oxygen tanks. It broke my heart. I tried my hardest not to cry while walking through this part of the hospital. Luckily, I didn’t have to suffer too long because Kinleys room wasn’t too far from the door. Next thing I know, she has breathing tubes in her nose and is asleep.
Seeing Kinley like this was heartbreaking. I had just showed up to Doernbechers hoping that she’d be ok, but she isn’t breathing right and had tubes in her nose. My heart felt like it was ripped in half. I sat down on the bench, and just stared out the window forever it seemed like. A doctor came in around an hour after we showed up. The doctors told us that Kinley will be fine, just it might be a 3-5 day recovery. So that means that she will make it! It also means she will be here awhile. I was still stressing in my mind that maybe something will happen in the next couple days.I couldn’t take the stress anymore so I had to ask my dad if we could go get food. I hope food could make this feeling go away. “She’ll be alright Max” my dad said in confidence. “I know. It’s just hard seeing her like that” I said without shedding a single tear. I didn’t talk for the rest of the night. All the little mini stores were closed. I didn’t realize it was 3 am either. On our walk back to the room I had little tears going down my face, just hoping Kinley would be ok. My everything is laying in a hospital bed, in jeopardy.

A couple days passed by, and Kinley was progressing everyday. I mean every once in a while there was a weird moment where she was acting weird but the doctors said she’s doing great. After I heard that, I just had the biggest stress reliever in the world. My world lit up like a candle. My niece was healthy enough to go home after a week in the hospital. When I finally got to hold her, she put her head on my shoulder and held my finger with her tiny hands. This little beast made it. I didn’t want to put her down but the doctor wanted to do one more check up. This week was stressfilled, but at the end, Kinley did it. She made it. My birthday was in a couple days, but after this day, her being okay was the only thing I wanted. After the doctor checked her, he said we’re ready to head out. I walked out of that room with the biggest smile on my face. As I was walking down the halls, I saw people give Kinley stickers and suckers, (take a moment to realize that she’s 2 weeks old. So obviously they were meant for me), and giving her goodbye hugs. We grabbed some food from the store and headed to the car. Kinley was sleeping. She looked so much better than she did five days ago. Without Doernbechers, Kinley wouldn’t be the pretty two year old she is today.

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