Obstacles | Teen Ink


December 5, 2014
By Kierstin Fulton BRONZE, Olney, Illinois
Kierstin Fulton BRONZE, Olney, Illinois
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In the words of Helen Keller “All the world is filled of suffering, it is also full of overcoming”.  Have you ever had to overcome an obstacle? If so was it easy or hard? For me mine was difficult. About a year ago when I fell from my climber stand. Much like Helen Keller overcame the obstacle of not being able to communicate I too overcame my obstacle of healing and having the strength to go hunting again.
Helen Keller had to overcome the obstacle of not being able to communicate. When Helen was about two years old in Tuscumbia, Alabama, she had became extremely ill, her sickness caused her to become deaf and mute. To help Helen live a normal life, her parents Arthur and Katherine Keller hired Annie Sullivan to help teach their disabled child. Over time with alot of hard work Helen learned trust, then obedience, and most importantly language.

Just as Helen Keller had to overcome her obstacles, I also had to overcome my own obstacle. It was about a year ago my dad John, and I were deer hunting at his grandpa's woods in Newton. I was climbing up the tree with my climber, when I was about forty-five feet up, I missed a grip in the tree. Down went me with the stand falling after. When I went to the Emergency room the doctors said my leg was broke in  three different places, I had to wear a cast that covered my whole leg. John, my dad helped me out a lot,  he helped me move around, and made sure I was healing correctly. This experience showed me how lucky I am to have two legs, it also showed me how to appreciate the things we usually take for granite.
Helen Keller and I both had obstacles we had to overcome, they were very different but at the same time they are similar. I might not have been blind or mute but we both had to heal and recover from our obstacle. First, Helen and I both had to depend on others to help us, both of us had to depend on people around us to lead us in the right direction. Another way they are similar is we both had to overcome things that are very vital in the everyday life, such as walking to class, talking to your family, being able to see where you are. All in all our obstacles were similar.
Again, much like Helen Keller having to overcome her obstacles, I also had to overcome my own obstacle. Helen Keller's obstacle had a very deep lesson that, No matter what your condition you can do anything with the help of others and just believing.  My obstacle also had a moral or lesson, and this was to never take things for granite. Be thankful you can walk, see, and talk. Life is precious. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, you might think it will, but really, God wouldn't put you through anything you couldnt handle.

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