First Loss | Teen Ink

First Loss

February 23, 2015
By Anonymous

Almost a month ago I had *gasp* unprotected sex. Yes, I know it is not a good idea, but it just seemed to happen. And during the period after that I began to feel just god awful. I took pregnancy tests, because my friend (whom I had sex with) wanted me to. They came back negative, but only because it was too early to tell if I truly was pregnant or not. But the sickess and the pain continued. I knew when they persisited, that I was pregnant. It was only a week or so later when my whole world came crashing down. 


A week or so later, I started bleeding. Heavily. I knew it was NOT my period, and that something was really wrong. It was a miscarriage. My baby had left me, and this is the worst pain I have ever felt. It taught me to be more careful with sex. Please, if you read this, be safe with it, because this pain is something I would never want to push on my worst enemy. 

The author's comments:

It is about my lost baby, my darling Cory.. <3

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