Writing | Teen Ink


February 27, 2015
By Aleyda BRONZE, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Aleyda BRONZE, Ann Arbor, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One time I had a friend she was my best friend we did everything together. We met in fourth grade she was really nice my other friend introduced us and we became instant friends. We live near each other which was very convenient. After school I would always go to her house or she would come to mine we would go to the park or the pool or sometimes we would wrestle it was really fun. One day I got a phone call from her I did not really understand what happened because her words were muffled by her tears all I knew it that it was something bad.

My parents later told me that it had something to do with her dad that he had to go somewhere. My friend was fine the next time I saw her I asked her how she was feeling she said she was fine. Although I did not believe it I let it slide because it was not my business. I remember that she would give me things like cute little presents and would take pictures of us together it was weird I thought. I again was confused it felt like I was missing something like I was the only one who had no idea what was going on.

It was only until she was gone that I understood. Her dad had a problem that meant he had to leave his family I can't say what that problem was because that was one of the things I promised. I got a call one night it was from her it was awkward she did not really say anything except “I'll be right over” then the line went dead. I told my parents they just shrugged and said  ok, about an hour later I hear a quiet knock on the door I opened it to reveal a girl with a tearstained face. She told me she would be leaving, “like a vacation” I thought I laughed and told her she should stop crying and enjoy her trip.

She looked up for the first time since she walked in she looked so sad almost hurt. I said something insensitive in panic I asked her when she would come back. She looked down again and shook her head I got angry why wont you tell me? isn't it easier that way you idiot?!” I yelled this at her I did not mean to it was just an impulse. Her face turned red and she yelled back at me, she was always quiet and would never raise her voice I was in such shock that I couldn't even pay attention to what she was saying. She left saying goodbye while not looking me in the eyes I still never got an answer to what was happening but I understood more or less. After that there was never any phone calls or news she just left.

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