High School | Teen Ink

High School

March 30, 2015
By Lauren1218 BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Lauren1218 BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I don't regret the things I've done, I regret the things I didn't do when I had the chance. -Unknown

A lot of people think High School is going to be really scary, but i think that High School is just another step in our lives, just like losing a tooth and waiting for your new one to come in, or getting your license, or finally getting to open the envelope that you were waiting months for and getting into your dream college, its just another step of getting older and another step of life. High School is the time to forget Middle school, because everything that happened then won't matter now, focus on the future not on the past. So those bad grades you got before? Forget them, they don't matter, all that matters is the grades you get in the next four years.

High School is going to change the way you look at life, its going to change your whole perspective on how you see things. Cars, houses, people, jobs and most importantly school. You may want to think that school isn't that important to you but it really is. School is key to the future that you dreamed of as a kid. Imagine this, as a kid you dreamed of being a really smart guy who builds really big buildings like the skyscraper. 10 years later, you're a high school dropout and you don't want to go to college because you think its not important and you'll still get a good paying job, a couple years go by and you have no job and you live with your parents, but what happens when they are sick of you and kick you out. You’re out on the street because times are hard and people want to hire someone with a degree or someone who at least graduated high school. 

Imagine a different life, as a kid you wanted to be a doctor even though you knew it would be a lot of work. 10 years go by, you just graduated high school and got into a great college, now 10 more years go by and your chief of surgery, have a wife and 2 kids and a nice house everything is going great and you’re so thankful that you went to school and now have the life that you dreamed of. Its weird how one thing can change your whole life and how one thing can make it all better. ¨School controls me and my free time” that's not true, only you can control you, your grades and you're ¨free time¨ all school does is challenge you, if you need help don't be afraid to ask for the help you need in order to succeed.

What i'm really telling you is that high school isn't another level of school that you're moving too, its not all about your friends or your free time, High School is all about you and what you want to do with your life in the future.

The author's comments:

The end of Middle School is all about High School I guess and my bestfriend is always talking about how nervous she is or how High School is going to be terrifying and so this is for her, so she knows that she doesn't need to be scared.

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