The Power of Music | Teen Ink

The Power of Music

April 21, 2015
By Anonymous

Music has been around long before the first civilizations of Mesopotamia.  Thousands of years later, you still hear it wherever you go.  There is a reason for that.  An uncountable number of radio stations broadcast different types of music every second of the day, effecting people in different ways. It helps get people up in the morning, it puts people to bed at night, and gives inspiration to those who need it.  Music is a powerful art that brings people together.  The power that music holds and the number of people it has affected is unmeasurable, but there is no denying its strong influence over humans.

Because of all the different genres, there are so many ways music can influence people every day.  It could help an athlete their adrenaline pumping before a game, or a student keep focus studying for an exam.  Different genres evoke different emotions that can be used for many different purposes.  Another use for music is a coping device.  Whether you're playing or just listening, it can help sooth your mind when you need it most.  Relatable lyrics help people feel like they are not alone in the struggles they are going through.  There is also a side of music that can negatively affect people.  Songs with angry lyrics and hateful messages can depress and dig people into holes.  Music can seriously affect a person's mindset.  However, this is just a testament to how powerful music really is. 

Personally, music has affected my life in a positive way.  I started to play the drums in the fourth grade, but I never found my true love for music until I was about 13.  I found myself connecting to songs and loving what I heard.  My love for music became even greater when I learned how to play guitar.  Not only could I just play a beat, but now I can make melodies.  Being able to express my own thoughts through music has helped me through the lowest of times. I’ve found that playing guitar and singing is the ultimate stress reliever.  At the end of a hard day I can always pick up my guitar and forget about everything.

During the summer of 2014, I found myself in a slump.  My relationship with my mom was not where I wanted it to be and I found my efforts to make it better decreasing every day.  One thing I did find some comfort in was dark dreary music.  I discovered the “Seattle sound”, something I felt I could relate to at the time.  Artists like Kurt Cobain, Eddie Vedder, and Billy Corgan felt what I was feeling: isolation and depression.  I could listen all day and love every song I heard, something I wouldn’t/ couldn’t do before.  This music sucked me into a dark hole, which then made me want to listen to more music, making a cycle.  After attending a new school in the fall, and making new friends, I find myself listening to less and less of this dark music and more upbeat happy music.  One artist I have recently fallen in love with is Fleetwood Mac.  Their catchy and happy go lucky songs draw in any listener, giving them a warm feeling on the inside.  While I still love to listen to the dark songs that remind me of the past, I also have a newfound appreciation for the light upbeat ones that make me feel hopeful for the future. 

I can't even imagine a life where I never played drums, never taught myself guitar, and never found a true passion.  If I could give any advice to someone struggling or going through a tough time, it would be to surround yourself with music that lifts you up and gives you inspiration.  There is nothing as powerful as music.

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