Dawn of a New bEgining | Teen Ink

Dawn of a New bEgining

June 25, 2015
By goron45 BRONZE, FOREST PARK, Illinois
goron45 BRONZE, FOREST PARK, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
every is a genius but if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree it will go its whole life believing it is stupid. Albert Einstein

My fellow seniors, we have sprinted through high school so fast that most things have appeared as a blur. There and gone just like the one who surround you, the one right next to you. since our first day we have dreamed of our last, and so much has happened between then. There were close friends and family who were with you in the begining who are not with you know. Our adolescent hearts were full of fun and innocence, and now has come the time to fill our minds so that we may continue to follow our hearts desires. we have grown-up so fast, and while working through school and a job, to get a car, it seems like only yesterday we were begging our mothers for a playstation, riding our bikes around the block without a care in the world. Or hiding that report card. We are as youthful today as yesterday. our past doesin't have many regrets, at least not like most adults we know. But our days are numbered,so make them count. We are to young, to pretty, and to good to stop now!  Our lives will  have many road blocks, and what we must do is take these blocks and build a bridge to continue on in our path, just like you have done to get this far! And  now we do not know what lies ahead in our destinys. And not knowing is what makes it grand. We do not know the future, though we shall not fear the future because WE ARE THE FUTURE! But... I will not be in yours, and you might not be in others. So I'll take the time to give you my blessings and gratitude, to thank you for the memories, because there might not be another chance to tell you, or for you to tell others. Twenty years from now you might pass by one of those others, and it would be no different from walking pass the lost soul of a ghost. You cannot see, but you can feel a familiar presence. those forgotten memories began to conjure up in the back of your mind... then fade just as quickly as they came. You continue to walk on, in your persuit of success and happyness, or you simply just continue to walk on. so freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and most of all: my fellow seniors. I wish you nothing but the best, from your last day as a senior in this class, until your final day as an old senior in this world. Thank you.

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