Tree House | Teen Ink

Tree House

October 14, 2015
By Anonymous

Climbing trees is not safe thing to cause many people die every year,unless you are an expert on climbing trees,cause experts know everything about climbing trees.It takes a normal person about two and a half of years to be an expert on something.The difference between an expert climber and a normal climber,is that an expert knows on what branches he or she may climb up on,and the normal climber does not know.You always have to understand what your good at,and what your not good at.Or if your interested in some thing you always have to master it first.Adults and kids always have to master their enterainment.
         Ones  back when I was 10 years old I always loved playing ping pong. It was like my favorite game in the whole world, there was nothing more intense than ping pong for me. I used to play it all the time over and over again although I always won the matches.My cousin called me “The Legend”, because I was so good, Obviously with competitors.  I used to come over to my cousins house,and that was pain because he lived in New York and i lived in Miami.So i came over every summer break by myself,ofcourse i had my parents permsiion  to go that far.
          My cousin is actualy black in skin color,and he does not even look related to me at all.Everytime when we used to go in the same school together,well and in the same classes and the classmates never beleived in me that he was my cousin.Yeah i wish he wasnt black but he is.
Ones I woke up, I was still in my cousin's house. We decided to head to the forest that was at least multi miles away from their house. I was looking forward to this trip because I knew that my cousin was an expert on tree climbing while I was not. So, as we walked closer and closer to the forest,  I became jealous and more jealous  because Ii did not posses the ability to climb trees as high as he did.  When he started climbing a tree I was upset and I joined him hoping not to break my neck with my skill that I had back then.
            There was a “Tree house”at the highest point of the tree.  That’s right a “Tree House”. He explained that it took him six months to build it.  I was so desperate to go in the tree house but I never did climb that high.Last Summer break he invited me to his house, that’s when I tried to climb to the tree house the first time.  But I was not able to due to lack of my skills.   So this time I tried climbing that high moreover. While I was climbing I was so scared like I was about to die any moment.  My nerves were filling with blood like I was burning in the fire the higher I climbed up.  I was still like about forty feet away from the tree house , but my cousin was in the tree house already, as well  he was shouting to me, trying to encourage me:
  “You can do it!”,
”You can do it!”.
But when I was about to climb on the other branch I lost my grip and my balance.  Next thing you knew I was falling down! Luckily I got hold on one of the bottom branches.  When I was holding on the branch my face, my arms, and my legs were all with bruises and definitely  the blood was dripping.  My dress was ripped but my tolerance of pain was high enough to not feel anything.  My cousin suddenly started climbing down trying to help me. When he got hold of me and put me on the ground, I was just asking for water. Well,  he did not have any water.  So he ran to get some help while  I was alone dying of my stupidity that I did to myself. The pain was just killing me,  I could not even close my eyes because I knew that I lost a lot of blood and I knew that I have to be awake to survive.That was a nightmare to me, it was hard for me not to look at my legs, at my arms because of ugliness of them.
           Finally, my cousin brought the help and that was his friend who brought me a medical tape which then he wrapped it around my foot.  He also put the tape on bunch of my other wounds. Then I knew I was saved. Then my small mom who always watches tv and my dad who always gets mad for no reason but for good purpose came to see me with their disbelieving  faces.
When I came home I was happy that I did not die. It was  pretty insane what happened to me on that day. I do not even know why I  was climbing the tree in the first place. I mean I told myself that I always have to understand on what thing I am good at, and the things I am not good at.  I practice to be better on my shortcomings so then I would not fail on them! Steven Badwin once said “Life is such a precious gift. Whatever life throws at us, if we could just learn to get through that day and hang on to the next, you never know what may come. It may get worse, but you never know.” Everyone have to always know what they are good at,and not good at at.Thats very important,in other words it’s the key in life.

The author's comments:

I have to say that climbing trees is dangrouse,and i think people should practise first before climbing them.

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