My Project | Teen Ink

My Project

December 1, 2015
By Horacio BRONZE, San Diego, California
Horacio BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I can't remember the time of day, but I do remember my grandpa telling me something.  He said, now, let me tell you something.  Life is not about wasting time doing dumb things. Always try best in life to make money and make things happen.  I didn't understand this right away, but now I try to follow that all my life.  Fixing my car was a goal that brought my grandpa's .  The car was a dream I always had:  to fix it and have something nice to have and take out.


Everyday I would see people look at cars when they are nice and fixed.  People are happy to see a nice car, taking out their phones to take pictures of it. So, everyday I would spend time looking at my car, thinking of what to put on it.  Even though my car was simple (no one was taking pictures), I knew it had something inside. 


What I knew was that fixing it was going to take time, blood and tears. Despite the fact It was going to take time and lot's of money , I  was going to make this happen.   My grandpa's lesson I took in when I was a little boy finally grabbed my attention. His lesson he taught me well was for the future.

I woke up Monday morning thinking of what to do. I went to school,  got out, and went home to see what my car needed to make it go faster. I was thinking, if I'm going to fix it, then lets make it a show car.


When I started to fix my car, I knew that fixing my car was going to take time because all the stuff I was going to add and the stuff I had to replace. I always thought to myself, "I know that when I start to fix it, that I'm going to take time from doing anything dumb in my life."   For example, I would spend time doing stupid things with my friends.  Working on the car fixed that.


I also thought, "It's going to take blood."   That became true because when I was  removing my tires I hit myself with the wrench in my hand, and I got a big cut on my hand. I started to bleed a lot all over, but I just kept fixing my car.


I also thought, "It will take tears." Tears came because I was using money I should've spent on other things like school supplies on my car.   When I was low, I always thought about my grandpa and what he told me and how he wanted me to do something for him so I will remember him.  So I told him these three words were what I was doing to remember him: time, blood, and tears. 


Once I saw that my car was almost done I got tears of joy.  It had taken me so much time and money to build my car to make look nice and to make it faster. The things I only had left to put on was the brand new HID and Rims and headers. The things I put in my car included a brand new turbo, racing seat's,RIMS and Wheels, Stereo, Lights,exhaust, and headers, K&N intake, and an over-sized radiator. This build took me 5 months, but at last my car was done and looking perfect and the way I wanted it to look.


When I started it,  the sound of it sounded so nice I was shocked and couldn't believe how nice and smooth the car sounded. I woke up the next day It was Saturday morning.  Me and my brother took my car to go get washed and to go cruise around Mission Bay. People looked at my car because they never seen a pt cruiser all fixed up and looking all nice and clean; so, my dream came to life because I finally got my car finished. Now I will be using it for a little while then maybe sell to get a different car. 


Today I just remember the things I sacrificed to get my car built.  It has a lot of meaning. The car is a promise to my grandpa.  I will be productive in life.  I will be something positive.

The author's comments:

I  was inspired to write this because I love looking at different cars.

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