What I Have Overcome | Teen Ink

What I Have Overcome

December 11, 2015
By Anonymous

If you do not know what overcoming is it means when you succeed in your problem. When you have a math problem you still have problems with it but when you solve it it's not as hard any more.

What I have overcome is the death of my sister. The memory's that I had with my sister are unforgettable but the days when I was always sad have changed. The reason of why it changed was because when I got older I realize that I was going to see her when I passed away. Some of the memories that I still have are when she would be awake before everyone else  and she would just sit there calling our names and when I would go to her room she would, “Leo”! I also remember when we would go to her doctor to help her there were some times when I would go there for the whole time. My sister could not speak to many words she would manly remember our names/relatives and laugh. Also she could not walk so we would have to push her in a wheelchair

The day my sister died was when I was just seven or eight. Although I was just young and did not know what was happening, when I turned ten I finally realized what was happening. After my mom told me, I was really depressed there was some times when I would not want to go to school. Another thing is that when got older the memories started coming back to me and when she died I was coming home from my grandparents house and when I got there there was lots of cars out said of my house I thought we were having a family reunion. She was in my moms arms and she was crying I ask her what happened and she told me she past away and I started to cry and that's when I realized she past away.

I will always think of my sister everywhere I go she will always be in my heart. I know it is very hard when a family member of yours dies you always wish there were here I know that because everyday I wish my sister was here. Every time I wake up I imagine my sister calling my name but she's not there it makes me sad but we have to go past it and live our lives. It's not bad to think about it but you can't just be sad your whole life. It's Like a game if you're not trying and being down  you lose your game and it will bring your team down but if you try you rise and you can pass on to the next game.

That is how I have overcome the death of my sister. Even though it is hard to get through what has happened in your life you can overcome everything as long as you put your mind to it. Even if you need help just ask someone they will help. Just another thing to say is when you overcome something does not mean you have to forget about like I said earlier I still think about my sister.

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