The Motorcycle Crash | Teen Ink

The Motorcycle Crash

December 11, 2015
By Anonymous

This was the day when I nearly lost my father. The motorcycle crash was in August 23, 2012. This motorcycle crash happened when I lived in Wrightstown, Wisconsin. This crash happened on a rainy day when my dad was driving from work to our house which was only ten minutes away from the house. My dad got in this crash because of the guy next to him swerved over into his side of the road or lane and rear ended my dad’s bike which sent my dad sliding into the ditch and hitting a tree. The other guy that hit my dad’s bike went sliding into the ditch as well and nearly hitting him again. The guy sacrificed his vehicle for my dad's life, instead of hitting the bike, he hit the two trees in front of him.


Minutes later the ambulance and the police showed up and rushed my dad and the guy that hit him to the hospital. The ambulance was only about ten minutes from my house and luckily five minutes from the crash. When my dad and the guy got to the hospital, they were rushed to the emergency room. My dad suffered worse injuries than the guy that him because he was in a truck obviously. The guy's name we found out was Jon. Jon only suffered a dislocated wrist and dislocated shoulder. Jon also had many bruises and scratches on his legs, arms, and face. On the other hand, my dad had injures everywhere on his body. 

Later into the night my mom got a phone call from the hospital. She scurried to my friends house where I was staying for the night and picked me up. She didn't tell me where we were going until we were about five minutes away from the hospital. After she told me about what happened, I went speechless as I was sobbing. When we arrived to the hospital, I rushed out of the car with my mom into the hospital. We asked the woman at the desk where and what room my dad was in. She said the room number and how to get there as fast as possible. When we arrived to the room, we were shocked. We never thought of the day, that I might lose my dad for the rest of my life, would be today. He was sleeping when we checked in, my dad was sound asleep. At my age I didn't know if he was gone or not. As I started to cry even more, my mom told me that he was just sleeping. While we were waiting, she explained why everything was hooked up onto him. She said that the beeping thing was showing his heartbeat whether he was dead or alive. She also said that if it was beeping or has lines like mountains, he was alive. If it had a straight line and was just a straight line sound, he was lifeless.  When she explained everything, we got a phone call from my sister's friends mom. She asked where we were because Arianah's friend “Jordan,” was dropping her off. My mom told her where we are and why we were there. My sister was immediately rushed to the hospital by her friend as I stood at the door waiting for her. When she came in the door, she looked perfectly fine. I told her what happened, and she said she knew. When I told her, she didn't shed one tear. When we got to the room, my dad was awake. 

During the crash, or when it happened, I was at a friends house as well. His name was Tucker.  When my mom called Tucker's parents, she told the that I needed to come home. She never told them why I needed to, she just said I needed to get home right away. Tucker lived right next to my house so I just walked home. But the she started to yell at me to run because we had to get somewhere. I got in the house and said I was hungry and I needed to eat. She yelled to me and said to get in the car in a sorta panic voice. I couldn't tell at the point what was happening but I had a clue. As we were mid way through the drive she told me what happened and I was shocked.

Overcoming this was one of the hardest things for me the most because my dad and I couldn't throw a football for around 7 months and couldn't throw a baseball or shoot hoops with him. After school everyday I was so glad to see him at home resting or eating all the chips like he usually does. I noticed after the crash happened, I visited him a lot more and talked to him a lot more than I did before the crash. I still talk to him every day as mush as I can because I never know what could happen to him or my family. My dad just sold his motorcycle a week ago and I was happy to know that he wouldn't be on it anymore. A year after the crash, he was right back on it. Selling the bike was the hardest thing for him to sell because he has had that bike for five to six years. My dad still has scratches and scars from the crash that were severe at the time but not as bad as they are today. Yes, I still worry about my mom, my sister, my dad, and even my dog Jack. I just hope nothing happens like this again.

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