Crash | Teen Ink


December 16, 2015
By IzzyP. BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
IzzyP. BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Remember don’t distract Conner while he’s driving boys, and Conner focus on driving we don’t need any accidents.”  my mom hissed.  If only then I knew my life was about to take a turn. . .
It was one of our last days in Gulf Shores Alabama, so we had gone shopping.  We were leaving my brothers by themselves so they could shop, in the meantime me and my mom were driving to the rental house.  When we got back to the house my mom’s phone was ringing like bells at Christmas.
“Conner talk slower I can’t understand you!”  my mother hissed.
My heart was beating out of my chest.  “We just left him and the boys ten minutes ago what could have possibly happened!”  my conscious screamed at me.  Fear overwhelmed me.  All I could hear at this point was the fading voice on the phone.  I then felt someone's eyes burning into the back of my head as I turned away from my mom, trying to comprehend what could possibly going on.  In my head I was thinking of everything horrible that could have happened, but hoping for the best.
“Conner got in an accident I have to go.”  my mom confessed.
I drowned out all sounds once I glanced over at my mom who had the same look in her eyes.
“Wait is everyone ok?!”  I called after my mom.
“I’ll call you when I know but I need to go right now.”  my mom said, while going out the door with Kenna’s mom.
My feet quickly carried me to where Kenna was, in her bedroom looking as confused as ever. All color had been drained from my face at this point.
“Kenna . . . they got in an accident.”  I slowly stated.
Her reaction was like a deer in the headlights.
“What?”  she slurred out.
My head turned into a slight nod and we sat in silence for a while just waiting for our moms to call us telling us everything that had happened.  In the back of my mind I was thinking of the worst, but wouldn’t say anything.  After what felt like hours of anticipation, but was probably only a matter of minutes, a sound that I had been longing to hear had finally come.  Only then did I realize that maybe I wasn’t ready for what I was about to hear, all of these last minute thoughts making my head spin.
“Ring, ring, ring”  Kenna and I looked at each other, her expression mirroring mine, my glance shifted to where the noise was coming from.  My conscience telling me to pick it up, but my arm wouldn’t move practically frozen in my position my eyes went from Kenna to the phone.  “Oh boy.” I thought.  It wouldn’t stop ringing  and me nor Kenna dared to answer, until I built up all the courage to pick up the source of the ringing.
“Hello?”  I answered.
“It’s me”  my mother advised.
“Yeah…”  I whispered.
I so badly wanted to ask if everything was alright and exactly what had happened but I just couldn’t push myself to do it.  My heart racing as I waited for my mom's next remark.
“Nobody got hurt, everyone is alright.”  she breathed
I let out a huge breath I didn’t know I was holding in.  Looking at Kenna, nodding my head letting her know everyone was alright she breathed a sigh of relief.  It felt as if the weight of the world had just been taken off my shoulders.
“Thank gosh”  I croaked.
“I have to go but I will call you when everything is sorted out, and I can come home.”   she notified me.
Only then had I realized how easily life could have been taken away, and changed in the matter of minutes.  After hearing everything that had happened, it made me reflect back on everything I had ever did.  I wondered how many times I had taken something for granted and should have appreciated it more.  That day I vowed to myself that I would be thankful for everything I had ever been given, especially my family and friends.

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