Pumpkin Spice Pancakes | Teen Ink

Pumpkin Spice Pancakes

December 17, 2015
By macy.zemaitis BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
macy.zemaitis BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The smell, it penetrated my room. I yelled, “Mom! I'm so hungry. I haven't eaten anything all day”… no reply.
Ten minutes passed.  I stomped my feet through the hall and down the stairs very indignantly. Oh my… what is that delicious smell of warm spices, and sweet pumpkin? It smells absolutely amazing.
“Well you shouted at me for not feeding you.” “Didn't you Macy?”
“Well yeah, I guess,” I mumbled ashamedly under my breath to my mother.
Anyway, what are you making what is that delicious smell?
“It's a surprise Macy” said my mom.
“Awe no mom come on I hate surprises and you know It, why would you do this too me!” I exasperatingly whined.
“You’ll have to wait, I’m almost done anyway.” Said my mom.
“Okay, well thanks for cooking me some food mom.” I said excitedly as I walked into the livingroom to watch a little bit of t.v. and play with my dog.
About 5 minutes later my mom yells
“your food is ready Macy!”
I excitedly ran to the table and I found a plate sitting in front of me with butter, syrup, and a fork. The plate of food looked a little bit strange at first and I was trying to figure out what it was… It looked flat as if it was a deflated tire, and it was a  lightish brown color like cocoa. After looking at it I smelled it. It smelled absolutely delicious!
It smelled like cinnamon, fresh pumpkin, and warm sweet spices all wrapped up in one. I hesitatingly grabbed a butter knife and rubbed a dab of butter on the food. Then I grabbed the syrup and squeezed the bottle over my food, until I had just enough syrup on my plate.  With my steady hands I slowly grabbed and clenched my hand around the fork and sliced off a little piece of the food to try.
I slowly brought the fork of food up to my nose to smell it once more, and I took a little bite. My eyes they shot open wide with excitement as I licked drips of syrup off of my lips. It was so yummy! One of the most delicious foods I have ever tried. And most definitely now one of my favorite foods to eat.
“What did you make for me mom? It is so good, I have never tasted anything like this before.” I asked my mother.
She responded “It is a recipe that my mom used to make me when I was a kid, It is called Pumpkin Spice Pancakes.”
“Well thank you mom, I honestly did not know you could even cook me something this good.”
After I finished the plate of Pumpkin Spice Pancakes I tried to explain to my mom of how much a good idea it would be if me and my mom were to make these for more people and let people try them.
She said “maybe someday.” chuckled under her breath.
“ Well you may laugh now but I know that It is a good idea.” In conclusion I will never forget those delicious pumpkin spice pancakes.

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