Day in Santa Cruz | Teen Ink

Day in Santa Cruz

December 17, 2015
By bethannlong BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
bethannlong BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I layed in the wet, cold sand as the salty water flowed over me. My hair spread out all around me, getting a coat of sand layered on top. The sound of of my little cousin’s laugh and the waves softly hitting the shore, leaving a smile plastered on my face. The colors in the sky mixed together, forming something beautiful. I closed my eyes to let this moment burn into my mind, never letting myself forget this. My day spent in Santa Cruz, California changed me for the better, discovering my love for travel.
“Willy get back here right now!” I yelled for my cousin Willy, while chasing after the 6 year old laughing boy.
I was on my way to ask my mom a question when I was pushed to the ground and fell into the water- not the best first moment in the Pacific Ocean. The devilish little boy ran away from me and ran further into the water so it was to his shins. I got up from the freezing water and went chasing after him.
My toes are going to look like raisins by the end of the night. I thought as I ran after Willy.
Finally catching WIlly, was a huge accomplishment, as he is a very fast runner and still on a sugar rush from getting ice cream earlier. I picked him up by the waist and started spinning him around in the water. Willy was screaming, but you could hear him laughing like he was enjoying this. I plopped him back down in the water, planning on him to land on his feet, but he fell straight into the water. I doubled over laughing, falling on my butt so I was sitting in the water, When Willy surfaced, he didn’t have a very happy expression.
“Oh come on, you can’t be mad at your favorite cousin,” I smirked at him, making him laugh. He just smiled and shook his head.
Willy and I continued to splash around in the water for a little while, as I was starting to get used the water temperature and actually start to enjoy being in the ocean. We were talking about something silly when my uncle went out out to the shore line and yelled at us, “It’s getting dark, you guys should come back out and get dried off. We’re leaving soon.”
The smile that was on my face faded a little. I didn’t want to leave. I loved it here and by going back to my uncle’s house meant that I wouldn’t be coming back.
“I’ll race you back to the shore,” Willy challenged. I just laughed and nodded, not knowing what else to say right now.
We were both running back to the shore, with our feet hitting the water so hard as we tried get there before the other. The wind hitting our bodies as we ran, making my wet body cold and forming goosebumps on my skin. As we came close, WIlly tripped me yet again, making me land into the water on my back. The water splashed, hitting my face leaving an unpleasant taste on my lips. I could hear Willy behind me, laughing and yelling about how he beat me. I should’ve gotten up, but there was a voice in my head telling me to stay here. I decided to listen to this little voice and stay laying in the water. For this being my first time in the ocean, it was a completely different atmosphere for me.This water wasn’t fresh like Lake Michigan, the water gave you this gritty feeling.  I stared up at the sky and was amazed by what I was seeing. Beautiful oranges, yellows and reds mixing together, making a masterpiece on the pale blue canvas. I never wanted to look away. This was nothing like any sunset you would see in Michigan, it was one of a kind. This isn’t a place that I want to leave, nor will I ever forget of this because I know will be back.
Leaving the beach that night was a very hard thing to do. I fell in love with this place and it was hard to head back to reality by leaving here. Thinking about flying home, spring break being almost over, and going back to school the following Monday, gave me a headache. That day at the beach made me realize that I don’t just want to stay in the same place my whole life, I want to travel. Traveling as far as Sydney, Australia, or a day long drive to New York City... I just want to discover new things and places. My mind settled a little when I came to the conclusion that I will be back. This trip changed me, but it changed me for the better. It helped me discover something important about myself and the thought of travelling again soon excites me. That is how day spent in Santa Cruz, California changed me.

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