Self-Worth, Shattered | Teen Ink

Self-Worth, Shattered

January 1, 2016
By melanief1 BRONZE, Palmdale, California
melanief1 BRONZE, Palmdale, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My identity is shaped by forces outside of my control because my father caused my self-worth to be negative. My father was once the man I looked up to and told me the number one rule in life is to be happy. About four years ago that all changed, I changed every perspective of life. My parents decided to get divorced after a relationship of 20 years. My father was a mess, all I remember in my distant memory was his drinking and the time he’d spend at the bar. Especially him talking about not wanting to be alive anymore. It all affected me but also  my whole family,everyone of  his actions were very poor. One day as I socialized with my aunt, his best friend. I talked to her about my father she told me everything. She told me about how he told everyone that I wasn’t his daughter, that it was me and my sister’s fault that my parents got divorced. Hearing this was heart breaking. It broke my trust that I had for him, But most of all it shattered my self-worth, I felt worthless to someone who I thought would never betray me. My self-worth was also affected because it felt like I was just put off to the side and I wasn’t his main priority. He was the first man to break my heart because as a father his duty is to love his children unconditionally no matter what happens. My father’s actions affected my life negatively because he shattered what I took years to build, confidence, trust, love and happiness. This became a factor outside of my control because his actions were not my fault, nor my decisions.

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