Learning to Become Resilient | Teen Ink

Learning to Become Resilient

January 26, 2016
By Good1writer BRONZE, Riyadh, Other
Good1writer BRONZE, Riyadh, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The internet: almost everybody uses it. Nowadays, any person you see either has a mobile phone, or some sort of electronic device with them because technology has become so advanced, and has almost taken over the whole world. The reason for this is because it is so easy to obtain. Although the use of technology provides me the opportunity connect and talk to friends and family, look up almost anything, and pass time, there are still several effects that have turned out to be negative.

I have been using technology ever since I was a child, and over the years have been using it more and more. 2010, the year I got my first laptop. I had escaped into a whole new world; A world called “The Internet”. From funny pictures of cats to the most advanced scientific information, it was all within my reach. I felt powerful. I had to learn how to use the internet, because it is not all sunshine and rainbows. With hackers, viruses, and so many other harmful elements, the internet was not guaranteed to be a safe place. Once I learnt how to use the internet, and got to know my limits, I could roam and surf the internet freely. The internet has played a huge part in my life, and has provided many benefits for me. When I’m bored, I go on the internet to pass time. When I’m happy or proud, I share my feelings on social media. When I’m sad, I go on the internet to find something that makes me happy. If I have a project for school or just need to research something, I visit the internet and search what I need. I use the internet almost the whole day!

Even though the use of the internet provided me with constant benefits, it also had its disadvantages. As sad as it is, I have to admit that the internet has led to me being isolated from the real world. I am so caught up in what’s happening online, that I almost don’t have any interactions or conversations with real people. I am always looking for new popular trends, checking what my friends are up to, and sharing what I find interesting. The same internet that has allowed me to do whatever I please, has led to me being alone, and diverted. I am usually in my room, with the door shut, on my phone or laptop. However, even if I’m outside and have nothing to do, the first thing I do is pull my phone out. It is not only me who is in this situation, because if you visit a restaurant or a mall, you can easily notice that almost everyone who is present is on their smartphones or tablets. It makes me cringe, when I see parents on their smartphones rather than interacting with their children. The worse part is, these children themselves have an iPad in their hands. Technology is great, but it should not isolate people from each other.

Why do I prefer to stare into a screen rather than spending time with my family? Why do I prefer to text and message my friends rather than initiating an actual conversation with them? Why do I prefer to check the weather on my phone instead of taking a step outside? These questions about my use of the internet have led me to realize that what provided me with so many benefits and made me happy on the other hand was deteriorating my relationship with my family and friends. I had to change my ways, and I had to change them now. Day by day, I started using electronic devices for a shorter amount of time. I went outside more, I talked to my family more often, went and played a game or two of soccer every once in awhile. Just by making these small changes, the effects started to show. I became a happier person, and definitely a more confident person.

If there is anything I have learnt, it is that having a social life is much better than using social media, talking to people is much better than texting, and being productive is much better than being lazy, unenthusiastic, and pathetic. Technology and the internet still play a role in my daily life, but by learning how to limit my use of these electronic devices I have created a more positive atmosphere around my and my environment.

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