A Day to Remember | Teen Ink

A Day to Remember

February 10, 2016
By Z0mbie_sl4yer90 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Z0mbie_sl4yer90 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Taylor wake up it’s your birthday,” my mom shouted like a roar of thunder.

I lazily got out of my bed, why do we celebrate a day that proves I’m coming closer to death?
I changed out of my pajamas and walked out to my living room. I was shocked seeing my full family in the living room; I was deafened hearing the shout of happy birthday. Why are there so many people in my living room?

Everyone gave me presents first I got GTA V for my Xbox One, 20$, then my mother gave me some homemade sugar cookies that were amazing, and my uncle gave me a BB gun : then the usual toys I would have loved when I turned 7 not 14.

Then my grandpa walked up to me holding something in his hand tightly. He didn’t have the usual 20$ he gave me every year ever since I actually cared about money. He took my hand and placed a warm piece of metal in it - I looked at it. It was my grandpa’s lucky coin that he took everywhere! I was shocked at the thought knowing he wouldn’t let anyone else touch it because he cherished and didn’t want to lose it, but he gave it to me.

“Taylor my dad gave this to me when I turned 12, and I thought I should carry it on and give it to you,” he said.
Everyone in the room was shocked knowing the same as I. That coin was like a badge of honor to him, and that he gave it to me was something amazing and was touching that he trusted me so much. I looked down at the coin in amazement and fell in love instantly with the dull but beautiful shine of silver and the young lady on the face of the coin holding the flowers shone beautifully and brighter than any part of the coin.

“And since you need actual money for video games, here is the usual 20$,” he added.

Everyone in the room gave a simultaneous chuckle. I gave him a big hug and then we continued with the presents.
Maybe my birthday isn’t so bad after all, even if it does mean I’m getting closer to my death I will still always be getting closer to my family in ways I wouldn’t expect.

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