My Ultimate Pet Peeve | Teen Ink

My Ultimate Pet Peeve

March 3, 2016
By JThorne SILVER, Hemet, California
JThorne SILVER, Hemet, California
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

We all have those things that people do or say that annoy us on so many levels all at once. I do not have that many pet peeves, but the ones I do have I hate with a burning passion. Probably my worst pet peeve is when people talk down to me and do not see my true intelligence. I do not mean to sound arrogant, but I am very smart, I have gotten many letters from colleges wanting me to visit and go to their school because of my test scores. I have even gone to medical seminars put on by Harvard University, so obviously I am not an idiot, but for some reason there are people who believe that I am. I was talking to my friend about this the other day and he said he thought I was very stupid when he first met me because I apparently look like one of those classic blondes who are very unintelligent. I do not know why people think this, just for being blonde! Being blonde has nothing to do with how smart you are it is genetic! This stereotype is so wrong, some of my smartest friends are blonde and they are arguably some of the smartest people in our honors and A.P. classes. I just feel that these stereotypes are very unfair, they put people down and make them think that they can never do something for things on the surface, when all that matter is what is on the inside. I do not think this is the reason why some people think this way of me, maybe it is because I keep to myself and when I know an answer to something I keep it to myself because I know I know it and I let others answer it who actually want to. This could be the reason or maybe not, maybe these people just do not like me even my friends notice when these people do this to me and think it is so wrong becauses they know me for who I am and do not make assumptions about me. Even some teachers have seemed to feel this way towards me and talk down to me when I know everything they are saying and they act like I have never heard this ever before. When my teachers do this to me I just let them continue on and on until they stop because I do not need to prove myself to them, but usually the teacher realizes that I am actually very smart and they completely change. My physics teacher used to say things along the lines of “Oh wow see now you are learning” to me, in a rude tone of voice ,if I asked just one question, but now he knows that I am the first to finish the tests and I usually have the top score in the class even though I am a year or two younger than the rest of the class. Though there are other teachers who seem to keep talking down to me no matter how well I do, but maybe it is because they just truly do not like me. Who knows? These types of things bug me so much because I know that they are wrong and they do not realize it, but I guess that is why it is a pet peeve and I know everyone has that certain thing that they cannot stand and this is mine. What is yours?

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