Time Doesn't Change Everything | Teen Ink

Time Doesn't Change Everything

May 14, 2016
By KELLUR BRONZE, Miami, Florida
KELLUR BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My sister were born two years apart but it is as if those two years without her never existed. We have known each other our whole lives yet there still so many things to learn about each other as time changes who we are or rather who we are to become.

My sister and I were about eight and six at the time. Our innocent little minds could not comprehend the fast fleeting idea of time, so we spent the time as if it was going to last forever. My sister and I always sat in the backseats. The backseats of the car were awesome for one reason and one reason only: I had a sister to share the ride with and that's all I needed to turn this eternal car ride into ever lasting fun (or playful torture). My sisters hands are tightly clenched to the bottom of her shirt as she stretches it over her knees in an attempt to keep me from pulling her shirt up. Her face is flushed against the tan skin that has come back over the days of summer. Her lips are slightly parted as laughter and screams pour out of them. Even though she kept on protesting my attacks, her smile betrayed her words. It wasn't a full smile cause she was missing a quite a few teeth, especially in the front. Her body is slightly angled to the side as she tries to part away from me but she could never be parted because she loves me. She loved me more than she ever could which is why she put up with all that torture. My sister was definitely a fighter for many reasons. One, I was the master of pranks and all time wrestling. Oh and did I play dirty. My sister never learned to play dirty so she never really put up much of a fight. 

The most played Disney movie at the time was Charlie and the Chocolate a Factory. I couldn't help but make a comparison between Willy Wonka's hairstyle and her similarly mushroom and bob-like hairstyle. Of course I would get in trouble as she went to our mom and said, "Mami!!!!! Jie keeps on saying my hair looks like Willy Wonka."  She used to look like an Oompa Loompa, in a good way cause she was always cute. On top of that, it was hard to ignore a smile that was full of pure child like happiness. One time we were even stopped in Mexico City by a civilian to tell her that she was cute. Don't let that smile trick you because her smile could also be a mischievous smile. She eventually learned to use that smile to play the victim and ever since then, the master of became the loser. No longer would I ever win my parents over when we fought because it was seriously hard to resist her eyes and her smile. Even then she still would come to find me and play with me when she got bored. And as I got older, the child play got boring and tedious and suddenly two years apart seemed like 10 years apart. The closeness we shared turned into a foot between us in the backseats. The love was in the empty seat waiting for us to absorb it and sit next to each other once more.


Love, hate relationships are practically the best kinds of relationships out there. All love is too boring and all hate is just tiresome. No matter how much we managed to pull each other's hair or bite each other, we were and still are practically inseperable. Time has changed us. We are no longer those girls with the gapped and toothless smile and nor are we the same girls that had the round faces and ate until we were happy. Time changed her and my sister is no longer that girl in the picture. The one thing that hasn't changed is the love she still holds in heart, the love that is always seen in her eyes. The love that has kept the essence of our innocent youth burning. The love that makes her vulnerable. The love that keeps her naive. Time has changed her hair, her teeth, and even the size of her right and left foot but it could never change the fire within her. With every hug, laughter, and tear we share, we were leaving memories that would never change our hearts.

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