Walking Through the Park | Teen Ink

Walking Through the Park

November 7, 2016
By MonkeyGamerYT88 SILVER, Sacramento, California
MonkeyGamerYT88 SILVER, Sacramento, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On a day, when my grandpa was walking through the park he saw 3 people with sticks. He walked through the park by himself and saw 3 people with sticks running towards him. My grandpa kept walking and then when the 3 people got to him they tried to take his hand out of his sweater pocket.

My grandpa wouldn’t let go so they hit him with the sticks. They knocked my grandpa out cold and made him bleed. The 3 people ran and my grandpa was still on the floor. He was on the floor for a while and then about 30 minutes later he woke up in pain. He got up and didn't see the 3 people so he walked or ran as fast as he could to the house. He opened the door and ran in the house and there was blood on the door handle, ground, and his sweater.

After a while my uncle or someone went to the house and saw blood so they went and checked who it was then they saw my grandpa bloody and with an swollen black eye. Then he/she called everyone and then we got it on the news. When I saw my grandpa his eye was swollen and his eyes was red. I think if you search up on google “Walking through the Park” or “Walking through the Neighbor” you will see the video.

In conclusion, this is my scariest  moment of my life.

The author's comments:

I hope you guys enjoy or like my scariest moment of my life!!

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