The Beginning | Teen Ink

The Beginning

December 14, 2016
By alyssamhartley BRONZE, Plantation, Florida
alyssamhartley BRONZE, Plantation, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everything in life has some sort of a beginning, whether it be big or small. Some things start as tiny seeds and then blossom into beautiful, strong trees. Other things start too small for the eye to see and when they grow still can’t be seen by the naked eye. No matter how small or big something begins as, it still has a purpose on this earth. I never realized this until I saw a baby being born.

My mother is doula, which means she helps woman while they are giving birth. She stays with them throughout their whole labor and birth and keeps them calm and encourages them throughout the way. I truly admire my mom for everything that she does for these women and their families; she goes to their homes and prep them for labor and even cooks for them after they have their baby so they can have home cooked meals. My mother is such an inspiration to me to always help others. So one day I was with her at a client’s house, and her client was mentioning how she wanted to get a sibling doula, which is basically a babysitter for the other child while the mom is in birth so that other child can see the birth also. While my mom was having this conversation with her client, I was playing with her two year old daughter.

I have been babysitting kids since I was twelve years old and I have always loved doing it because I love kids so much. When we were leaving her client’s house my mom told me about the conversation she had with her client and asked me if I wanted to be the sibling doula. I was beyond ecstatic when she asked me because I love working with kids so much, so naturally I said yes. When it came time for the birth I was so excited that I would get to see a live childbirth for the first time because that isn’t something every teenager gets to see. The daughter was an angel the whole time and actually fell asleep before her baby sister was born, but as soon as she woke up she was so excited to meet her. Watching the baby being born was such an amazing thing because I got to see a new life come into this world. This baby girl was so pure and not affected by the world yet.

There truly is no sight like seeing a new life be born. When you think about it, childbirth is one of the most natural things we do if it is a natural birth. Getting to watch this natural miracle was so awing and breathtaking and I am so blessed that I was able to watch it right before my eyes. I cannot thank my mom enough for letting me have this amazing experience. I feel so lucky that I such a young age I was able to see the true meaning of life and a true beginning to one.

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