Friday Nights | Teen Ink

Friday Nights MAG

By Anonymous

     The blinding lights, thunderous roars, and a sea of Columbian blue and gold surround me. It makes my bones rattle and skin tingle with adrenaline. What is this breathtaking feeling? It’s everyone in the huge stadium on a chilly Friday night cheering for their favorite team. I am not part of the large crowd because I am down on the field going toe-to-toe against my enemies.

The lights are gigantic and bright. The roars are screams and cheers from the faithful fans and spirited cheerleaders. Fans come from everywhere to see the mighty Pilots take care of business. My adrenaline is high as I look up at my mom or dad between plays. I hear screams from my girlfriend cheering for me. Nothing can replace the amazing feeling of standing under the lights on a Friday night. As I hunker down into a three-point stance, I look over the line of scrimmage at my opponent. The ball is snapped, and I fire like a rocket. I lower my shoulder and smash the enemy’s chest. As he stumbles down, there is a mixed feeling of pain and triumph. My sights are now focused on the quarterback with the ball. He doesn’t see me coming. My legs push harder now, moving into an all-out sprint. I’m getting closer. Five yards, three yards, one yard. I lower my shoulder and drive my legs. The quarterback falls and the thundering crowd gets louder with cheers, whistles, and bells.

A new feeling fills my body. It is not pain, shame, or embarrassment. It is pride, respect, and undying triumph. I trot back into the huddle as all my teammates congratulate me.

High school football is something that nobody can replace. People only go through high school once. I recommend that they make the most of it and go out there to play some hard-nosed, smashmouth football. It is the most fun activity a person can ever do, especially on a chilly Friday night.

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This article has 1 comment.

HOPEMVP said...
on Apr. 29 2009 at 5:16 pm
I used to like go to my boyfriend's highschool's football games on Friday Nights too. GO LHS!