Good Old Soccer Times | Teen Ink

Good Old Soccer Times

November 3, 2013
By killa1791 BRONZE, Salem, New Hampshire
killa1791 BRONZE, Salem, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Soccer is my life and I love that. It’s my get away from everything else in the world. My teams brothership is immensely strong and nothing can break it. We always kid around and we always laugh when we are together. We are an excellent team when it comes to soccer and everyone has some type of skill they can give to the team. We would always do stupid stuff together whenever we went on vacation together. We have our occasional fights here and there,but in the end we are all good. One time a kid was given a player on my team problems at a hotel so once I found the kid I took him and beat him up and told him never to mess with us again.

We had a usual day at a tournament in Rhode Island. Screwing around, playing in the elevators and picking up chicks. We did anything possible to get on the nerves of the hotel employees even if we shouldn’t have done it. Once we had candy and ice and we started to throw in down the 6 stories of stairs. It hit the manager and we booked it as fast as we could to get away from him.

“ Lets get the heck out of here before we get in trouble,”Said Jack while running through the hallways at top speed.

“What do you think we are trying to do,follow me into my room,”Said Nate.

“No mine’s right ahead of us. It’s a lot bigger of a room then yours is and I’ve got a perfect view of the girls soccer field.”
“No mine has food and drinks so we can camp out in here and do whatever we want, besides my parents won't be back till 9 ish so we got plenty of time to hide.”

“Whatever fine I will go. Just hurry up he is right on our tail.”


We also played some good quality soccer. We fought through every ache and sore we had to finish our season strong. It was the last game of regionals. We had to win the game to move on. We were losing 3 to 2 and I re-broke my collar bone. I went back into the game to show my team I wasn't going to give up. We scored one to tie it up. The whole team was yelling,LET'S GO!!!
“I know we can win this,we need you to do everything you can,”Screamed Nate into my ear.

“Im going to do this for you guys,We got this,”I said.

We started to play again,play after play we would put them on their back foot. Then finally,with a stroke of luck we get a free kick outside the box. I stood over it with my friend nate. I could feel the pain go through my body from my collar bone. I could smell the pizza in the background. As I step up to the ball I could hear nothing at all. I took a good swing at it and curled it around the wall into the corner of the net. Everyone went crazy. I was tackled to the ground by the whole team and all I could feel was the pain running through my whole body now. Although the pain was getting to me I didn't care at that point. The game was over and everyone was happy. Great way to end a great week off.

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