Are You Ready for Some Futsal? | Teen Ink

Are You Ready for Some Futsal?

December 15, 2013
By emooney64 BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
emooney64 BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
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Futsal originated in Uruguay in 1930 when Juan Carlos Ceriani devised a new version of soccer for youth competition at YMCAs. Futsal is now played in every continent in the world by over 100 countries with more than 12 million players. Futsal is a very easy game to play. The rules are simple and the indoor staff provides players the necessary guidance and support to ensure every player has a blast!

The indoor soccer sport exploded in the 1980s after people began playing indoors to help them stay in shape for the regular soccer season. Indoor soccer began evolving into a different sport than Futsal. Indoor soccer started having its own tournaments and leagues. The fields where indoor soccer is played are completely different from traditional soccer fields, and so are the shoes.

Have you ever played soccer in the cold or wet weather or in total darkness? Soccer can be a great game to play out in the sun, but indoor soccer can be a great alternative. Plenty of indoor soccer games exist that kids of any age can play in a gym or indoor soccer facility. Indoor soccer allows players to stay active and get ready for the spring soccer season. Trying out for high school soccer is a transition from playing club ball to focusing on competitive soccer. Coaches recommend begin preparing for tryouts at least three months prior to them. Winter indoor soccer is excellent for that purpose.

Indoor soccer drills will develop the touch of each soccer player. They will increase the ability to play effectively in tight spaces, and to manage the soccer ball better outdoors.
Indoor soccer is usually played on a smaller field which emphasizes quick passing and being able to maintain possession of the ball under pressure. Indoor soccer is a fast-paced game that incorporates many parts of outdoor soccer, yet introduces a few new twists as well.

Parents and kids alike appreciate the benefits of playing indoor soccer. The first benefit is being able to continue training on a year-round basis. An inside soccer training facility is perfect for use during the winter, or when weather makes it impossible to train outdoors. Playing indoor soccer allows players to focus more on perfecting their skills whereas regular outdoor soccer practice gives the players a chance to learn to work together as a team and to improve their play in actual games.

Other benefits include the fact that there is no practice required. Anyone can just go and play. Players get a lot more playing time than in outdoor soccer. More goal scoring opportunities exist for indoor soccer players. Participating in indoor soccer makes for a more well-rounded soccer player as you learn every position and have a much better understanding of the game. The rules are simpler with indoor soccer, and the “off sides” rule is eliminated. Teams are smaller and comprised of four to six players. As a result, each player is much more involved in the game. Parents love the controlled indoor climate and the elimination of mud and dirt associated with outdoor soccer.

So how do you jump on this bandwagon? Just find parents and kids that want to play. Most indoor leagues run during the winter and the summer. Some leagues have longer operating hours during winter months. Call a local indoor facility and find out the cost, times and dates. Leagues have been established for players of all ages, for players with different experience levels, and adult leagues are held year round.

Remember this game is much faster than regular outdoor soccer. Players can tire easily. The number of times you can substitute players is limitless. You can learn every aspect of the game by playing many different positions. Quick, decisive thinking is learned and will truly enable you to figure out the game. Most importantly, indoor soccer is great fun for anyone!

Indoor soccer is relatively inexpensive. Equipment includes a soccer ball and two soccer goals. Players are required to wear indoor soccer/tennis shoes, socks and shin guards. You don’t have to buy indoor soccer shoes, but many experienced indoor soccer players recommend having a good pair of indoor soccer shoes. The indoor soccer shoes protect you from injuries and enhance performance. In addition, indoor shoes keep the floor clean and are not damaging to the arena like outdoor soccer cleats. You can purchase a pair for as little as $30.

It has been suggested by medical professionals that indoor soccer players have fewer concussions, broken bones and high speed collisions because of the nature of the arena and the indoor soccer field is much shorter. Indoor soccer is not ranked on any list of dangerous team sports. Indoor soccer requires a high level of fitness. Whether you need to get in shape or maintain your stamina, indoor soccer is the perfect activity. Because the pace of the game is so fast, there is no rest for the weary. Indoor soccer is a great way for you to keep physically active, especially during the winter months.

So, jump on the indoor soccer bandwagon! Indoor soccer is an incredibly fun sport, but you will never experience the benefits it offers until you play it yourself! My friends and I are all doing it. For just two dollars, you can play indoor soccer for hours. I have even encouraged friends who don’t play soccer to join in on the fun! Best of all, there is very little chance the game will be cancelled or postponed for bad weather.

Seriously though, this game is not just a fad. America is taking soccer seriously. American soccer development will only advance to the next level when the game advances to the same level as it has in other countries like Germany, Italy, France, Brazil and England. Futsal is the way of the future. Soccer is one of the primary sports the world plays now and it is here to stay! Why not build your skill? Give indoor soccer a try. It will make you a better player – no lie!

The author's comments:
I am passionate about the game of soccer whether indoor or outdoor!

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