Football | Teen Ink


January 13, 2014
By Destin32 BRONZE, Murphy, North Carolina
Destin32 BRONZE, Murphy, North Carolina
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Football is in my blood. I have played for 10 years and I’m only 15. Needless to say I really enjoy it. My first year was the one that got me hooked. The next few years were different with the coaches. They had me ready to quit, but my parents encouraged me to just hang in there and it would work out. When I first started I was a slightly bigger than some of the others. So they put me on the front line. It went well for quite a while. Then I just got tired of it. Since they had me on offence most of the time I was okay with that. Defense was where I really wanted to be. Always making tackles, it gives you this good feeling, like you have done something, and don’t want to stop.
The next few years were good, in fact I was a starter and on top of that the coaches had me on defense. That year was good for me. They played me at defense of end, which is at the end of the line. I did alright that year, although I couldn’t have done it without the help from my friends and teammates pushing me on. The following few years I got moved to the position of linebacker. They are the players that stand behind the front line in case a guy comes through, and then the linebackers are there to stop them. I had good days and bad days, but everyone does, right? I learned from my mistakes and tried my best to fix them. Even though my coaches liked to yell and scream at me.
That summer I grew six inches and gained twenty pounds. My last year of little league’s was one I can’t forget. Our team fought hard that year and made it to the Cracker Bowl being 9-1. We had to play the only team that beat us. They went undefeated. They also had this huge kid, and every time he got the ball he would gain at least five yards. This guy was a tough one to bring down. By the fourth quarter we were down 30 to 14. By this time everyone knew we had lost, but still played their hearts out until the buzzer went off. My friend Chase and I were fired up, on one of the last plays of the game we decided that this big running back was not going very far. Next time he got the ball Chase and I both went as hard as we could and lowered our shoulders, hitting him right in the knees flipping him at the line of scrimmage. We wanted to make sure he felt that one. Even though we lost we still had fun and played with heart.
Last year was my last of football; I got the chance to play on the varsity level. I didn’t start, but didn’t expect to either. I picked up many things over that season that helped me improve. We did well and went to state, but lost. That game was more intense than any other game I’d ever seen before. We were right there on the edge of glory, able to taste the victory, but got it ripped away. It was a depressing ride home, but it was alright, we will be back again. Next year I will be coming back, ready to learn more and improve my game in every way I can. This year I hope to be a starter for the team so that I can help with the next state championship.

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