My First Hockey Goal | Teen Ink

My First Hockey Goal

January 18, 2016
By Griffs8 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Griffs8 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

All I could focus on was the puck, I didn't focus on all the yelling parents or the other team. Just the puck in the ref’s hand.
“Is he going to pass to me or Kevin?” I kept thinking.

“Keep your stick on your knees until the ref is ready to drop the puck.”Kept going through my mind because that’s what we were told last Tuesday.  I had my stick on the ice right before it dropped.

Luke passed to me and I caught it. I skated up the right wing and passed to Andrea, Our right defenseman, who passed to Joe, her defensive partner, then he passed it back to me while I was passing the net. I shot and as it flew through the air the goalie caught it.  The puck was frozen, another face off.  Luke passed to me again and I skated as fast as I could, deked out the goalie and passed to Kevin and he shot and hit the back of the net.  He scored!  Our team slapped their sticks on the ice When Kevin and I got back to the bench, everyone high fived us and said we set up an awesome play. We didn’t care if we won or lost, I was just glad to be playing hockey and having fun.  It was our turn to get back on the ice. We hopped the boards and skated into where the puck was. Kevin set me up perfectly and I shot high. I made it in the net! I was really happy that I made my first goal of the season. I couldn’t wait until my next shift. 

My team and my lines were all a big help on that goal.  We all have a goal in just our first game because nobody hogs the puck and we don’t think we’re better than each other.  That’s why we all have at least one goal.  When my line hopped the boards we skated over to the faceoff circle where the other team was already waiting.  They won the faceoff but I never saw anyone look mad while they were on the ice. We were all having fun and glad we could play.

After the game, our coach came into the locker room and told us he hasn’t coached a team that passes so much.  He said,
“usually you guys would hang onto the puck and shoot instead of pass to help someone else get a goal!”
Hockey isn’t a one person sport so we all play together not against, that’s what makes it work.
After the game I got a bunch of questions like,
“How did you score with one hand?!”
“How did you make a break away through the defense that fast?”
I just answered,
“I’m playing just playing hockey and having fun.”
I didn’t get asked much after that.  I just wanted to celebrate my first goal of the season.

My team is the best team you could ask for, they are helpful and if you get checked they are ready to back you right up and “accidently” run into the person who did that.  But that’s what a teammate does for you.  we all look out for each other on the ice.  That’s how it works with us, you mess with one of us, you mess with the whole team.  That’s what makes a great team.

The author's comments:

This is about my first hockey goal

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on Jan. 21 2016 at 12:08 pm
LittleBunny101, Yellowknife, Other
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
I really liked that story.