My Football Obsticle | Teen Ink

My Football Obsticle

June 7, 2018
By Johnson193 BRONZE, Gresham, Oregon
Johnson193 BRONZE, Gresham, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

An obstile in football I had to overcome was playing against kids who were two years older and were five times stronger than me. It was really hard at first because I didn't believe I could play with these kids. I was always scared of getting hurt or messing up and getting yelled at by the coaches. I needed to get my heads out of the clouds.

The coaches helped me face this obsticle. They did something crazy, they started me! I was amazed and terrifyed at the same time. Once I got on the field I blanked out and didn't feel any fear. I ended up doing well. I didn't give up a sack and I learned a lot. The main thing I learned was being in fear gets you nowhere and that when you have obsticles around you your friends or in this case my coaches will help you get through it.

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