Visiting San Diego | Teen Ink

Visiting San Diego

December 5, 2019
By david123564 BRONZE, Antelope, California
david123564 BRONZE, Antelope, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Why not let it fly

When you visit San Diego, it is fun because you can go to the San Diego Zoo.  There is a zipline with some animals below you is a red panda. Also you can go to Balboa Park where there is a lot of fun museums and a lot of activities there.  While most of it is free, unless you go to a history or plane they cost money because they are historic museums with planes from all the wars . As well, you can go to Old Town San Diego which is a lot of fun because at night you can go to a scary house no matter what time of the year it is moreover there is history everywhere you turn. If  you pay $7.50 you can try to be a blacksmith. Besides you can go to Imperial Beach. It is a lot of fun. In addition you get to play in the ocean and make sand castles.

   On any  trip to San Diego you  should go to the USS Midway a ship that is now a  museum they used it in the Vietnam War. On the Midway it is fun because you can act like you were on the ship during the Vietnam War by rushing throughout the ship and see what they would do and see where they would eat. . As well  you could go on some boats which go to the ocean and you can be super close to go to Mexico if the ship stopped. If you go on the ship it is usually 3 hours unless you pay to be on the ship longer. There is food and drinks on the ship.  Also you should go on the Seal which is a lot of fun because you are super close to seals and you get to go in the Ocean. Moreover you should go to Sea World because they have a lot of famous Killer whales and dolphins. The dolphins and whales do a lot of crazy tricks. It is usually a lot of fun. 

Last but not least, San Diego has amazing  restaurants they are super good. I recommended them because they all are really nice people.In San  Diego they have really good restaurants and, with good customer service. A few good restaurants are Phils Bbq, Omelette  Factory , and Kiki’’s Chicken. that is just a few of all the good restaurants. Here are some other good ones to eat at are as follows.  The restaurant on the uss. Midway, Bj’s, and Tokyo Steakhouse. Also there is a restaurant in Old town San diego thats gives away free root beer floats from 2 to 5 pm on every first Saturday of the month. However you have to buy some food at the restaurant it is a Mexician  restaurant . Moreover if you like Seafood there is some really good food on the ocean or nearby. But if you don’t like seafood. There is some really good food places that are not seafood some of the places are on the ocean in the seafood restaurants.  

You should come to San Diego because everyday of the week there will be something to do that is fun.  It will be a trip worth it, and you can make a lot of memories with family and friends. Get your suitcases ready and come on down to San Diego.

The author's comments:

All is is based on what i do and saw

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