An Escape to a Magical World | Teen Ink

An Escape to a Magical World

March 17, 2014
By Ishra Shaheen BRONZE, Astoria, New York
Ishra Shaheen BRONZE, Astoria, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a cold December morning in New York and my family and I were getting ready for our road trip to Florida. Everyone of us were tired and cranky except for my younger brother who somehow convinced us into going on this trip. He had the biggest smile on his face knowing he’d be escaping the cold and hazy city of New York.

The car ride was very long and tiring. Nothing exciting had occurred besides the fact that my brother kept spilling some type of beverage on himself.

As soon as we reached Florida, the sun was starting to rise. I watched as the large glowing sphere rose slowly into the dull morning sky. Casting sunbeams in every direction while it illuminated the city. The palm trees were swaying left to right and the warm winter breeze was blowing through my hair. The scene was breathtaking and very relaxing.

Unfortunately, three days had passed and I wasn’t enjoying this trip at all. I wanted to go back to New York where the snow was falling, forming a white blanket throughout the city. I wasn’t complaining because we were finally going to the Magic Kingdom. We entered the park at 10 a.m. and the first thing I noticed was the smile on everyones face. At that moment, it felt like you didn’t need anyone to make you happy besides the people surrounding you.

While children were running around with their mickey mouse ears yelling, “THE PARADE IS BEGINNING IN FIVE MINUTES!”, my family and I decided to find a place to stand and wait for the parade to begin. As soon as it had begun, all sorts of Disney characters came running out and singing and dancing with the children in the crowds. I remember my dad asking my sister if she wanted to sit on his shoulders because she couldn't see anything but she refused to listen. She missed the whole show and to this day I still bother her about how she missed the best part.

We went on all the rides and saw many shows but I was very eager to visit one specific place and that was the castle. It was around 11:30 p.m. and I decided to go on my own to see the castle because the rest of my family wanted to go on the rides. As soon as I had seen a glimpse of the castle, my excitement had increased. It had blue and white christmas lights and looked magnificent. Standing in front of the castle, I suddenly got flashbacks of all the wonderful memories with my family.

It was midnight and the fireworks had begun. All sorts of colors lit up the sky. Looking at my surroundings, I spotted a little girl dressed up like Cinderella with a smile on her face. It made me happy seeing little kids so excited and enjoying every moment they could.

As soon as the fireworks were over, everyone was leaving the park. Walking out of the Magic Kingdom, fake snow started to fall down on us. It was one of the moments that I would truly cherish.

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