Where My Home Is | Teen Ink

Where My Home Is

March 15, 2016
By JaredPLHS BRONZE, La Vista, Nebraska
JaredPLHS BRONZE, La Vista, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

These old historical dirt roads hide things. They hide the marks of those who travel them. They hide the ruble left behind from travelers. They give access ways to places we never thought existed. Trees line each side of the road for as far as the eye can see. Deer, and many other species of animals jump out and around. Bass jump in the ponds. Birds chirp away. And the dogs can always sense when a storm is near. The wild flowers, and thick hardy crop glimmer as they sway in the Nebraska wind. It is freeing out here. There is no one around, no drama, no problems. Most escape to their rooms, I escape to the outdoors. To see what is out there, gain wisdom of the land. Acquire stories no one else is able to tell. Fishing is great. Hunting is as well. Riding four wheelers, dirt bikes, and whatever other machines you wish is very fun, and always eventful. This landscape is a work of art. From the hidden valleys, to the tall plateaus, the rocky cliffs, the flowing rivers, and pooling lakes. There is always something we can do. But most of the time we end up bored. But this is my home. The good old Nebraska land is something worth seeing overtime. It changes. It gains beauty. We respect it. We  live it. It is our home, and also our pride. Floods strike. Storms brew. We make sure all are safe for the night. But when morning comes, we all unite. We combine as one. Until the mess is done. We help each other. We live near each other. We are family here. Unlike huge cities. Here we get to know each other. Some people stick to themselves. But others go out and meet the town. See what's out there. Adventuring all around. Day. And night. We always see light. Some got to bed early. Some dance until the sun comes up. Others hangout at home. Movies. Fires. Family and friends. My home here has a small town feel, but also big city vibes. You can go a lot of places to get away. Some are far. Some close. We all have one. Whether it be a lake. Street corner. Or baseball field. The College world series is the life of the summer, people go down to watch great baseball, Hangout. Tailgate. Buy things. Its all around a great time. This here is my home. And it will stay that way. For as far in the future my eyes can see. Papillion, Nebraska is meant for me.

The author's comments:

This is about my home, where I grew up, and where I live.

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