Music, Coming Together | Teen Ink

Music, Coming Together

December 16, 2016
By Anonymous

Words are strong, and words are powerful.  Some have depth, and some are shallow.  Many think they are nothing, most know they are something.  Words can separate people, but more often than not, words can bring people together. 

Music has a great force, one in which it has the ability to change a mood in a blink of an eye.  In fact, different genres are meant to capture different feelings.  Whether an upbeat tempo is in need for going on a run, or soft, graceful music is key for ballet class, there is not one genre that is more important than the next.  Even if you realize it or not, music is all around us every waking minute of the day. One could have a song stuck in their head on repeat, walking down the hall with earphones in, or even strolling around town hearing a car blast music.  The fact is that music is all around us, and is quite possibly one of the biggest and best things all cultures of every race can agree upon; music is essential for daily life.

Music is something that all are able to resort to.  It is amazing how a few simple verses can have such a powerful impact.  There are two artists that I can always fall back on in any mood at any time of the day.  Although there are many talented artists in the industry, unfortunately there are also many artists nowadays that will do anything to grab a quick buck, otherwise known as “sellouts”.  Great artists’ music goes beyond the surface; it doesn’t stop there.  Music is something I have been around my entire life and it will always hold such a special place in my heart.  Nothing captures so much meaning, yet be thought as meaningless to some. 

Different people have different ways of interpreting music.  That is one of the coolest things about the art; no one song is the same, just like no one person is the same.  Not everyone has to like the same artist.  That is what makes music so interesting.  As more artists come to play, people start to open themselves up to different styles of music.   People are now able to connect with each other from all over the world, just by having one thing in common.  Going on an artist’s tour is quite possibly one of the greatest experiences a person can be exposed to.  Music is a fantastic way to come together and unite as one.  Words are a gift, and music is an impeccable way to use it.

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