Time | Teen Ink


August 31, 2023
By chl0ew BRONZE, Perth, Other
chl0ew BRONZE, Perth, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Time is concept among many of which is a difficult one to fully understand. Perhaps no one does fully understand it or the fact that different people will have different beliefs behind the concept of time will make it increasingly difficult to do so but it is something which affects all of us. 

Time is a shared thing, something that each person has a vast amount of, something that each person chooses to use in a different way.

Time is a beautiful thing, something that allows things to age in a variety of ways, flowers to bloom, seasons to pass.

We have limited time in this world and everyone chooses to spend it differently; no two people will have all of the exact same experiences in an identical order at the same time. Some people may travel the world, others choose to study, or start a family, but the point is, it is a different experience for everyone. 

Writing this reminds me of a quote from Charles de Lint which reads ‘Don't forget - no one sees the world the way you do, so no one else can tell the stories that you have to tell.’. This quote demonstrates the idea of everyone having utilised time in a different way and the idea that we need to share these experiences with one another. Everyone chooses to believe different things about time and how we should spend our time, no one uses time in the same way, some may implement the same activities or ideas however, no two periods of time will be identical to more than one person.

I once heard the idea that the reason as to why time feels like it is getting faster is because of the relationship between a period of time and our life span. I promise, this will make more sense in a moment. Think about it this way, one month to someone who has lived for ten months is only one tenth of their life, whereas as the same amount of time, one month to someone who has lived for 100 months is now one hundredth of their life. Therefore, time feels like it gets faster as we grow older because it is smaller in comparison to the amount of time we have lived for.

Everyone has different feelings towards time, some may find that their time here will end too soon, others may believe that it goes by too fast but at the end of the day, everything happens for a reason. I understand this may be hard to hear but I am sure that you need to hear so whatever you may choose to do with your time, just know that it will all work out in the end.

The author's comments:

I've always been fascinated by the concept of time and so I wanted to attempt to put my thoughts and ideas into words. Although I don't believe this was the perfect piece to demonstrate my ideas, I do believe that their is a first time for everything. I hope you take the time to consider some of the ideas mentioned throughout and thank you for reading.

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