Video Games | Teen Ink

Video Games

March 25, 2010
By Greg101 BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
Greg101 BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One man’s dream turned into another mans need
Video games are fun and exciting they were made for people’s entertainment but mostly attracting the younger age group. Video games and systems evolve throughout the years and some adults don’t like it they debate over it year after year. They think some video games are too realistic and violent for children. Video games are a great way to let go and enter another realm into fun and relax from some of the suffering in life. Video games are a digital world of fun and entertainment and are beneficial and also good for your health despite what many people believe.
So why do you think video games were created? Well according to “Ralph Baer invented video games in 1951. He was an engineer making television sets, Baer had the passing thought that adding a game play element to TV might be fun. But his bosses disagreed, instead of dismissing the idea Baer buried it in his brain and let it churn. Fifteen years later his idea came to life. One day he was scribbling down notes about TV games. Five days after that came a schematic. A month and a half later, on October 20, 1966 he was playing his first video game”. And thus the video game was born that one idea came to life because a man just wanted to have fun with his TV not just watching it but playing in it. One man’s thought to be silly idea turned into to phenomena. All around the world games evolved.
Video games are really beneficial and its sometimes also good for your health according to a local mom tells her boys to play games a half hour a day before dinner. The boys are among the 5% to 7% of children who have attention deficit disorder and video games, as prescribed by their psychologist, have helped them learn to focus, their mom says. Also another report of a video games system being beneficial and healthy the Wii is system that lets you virtually play the game some people who has the Wii says after their done playing the system makes them more sore than after leaving the gym. This system is also healthy for elderly people the Wii is in senior citizens homes every were because it keeps them active, healthy, and alive for the next day instead of being bored, and dull. All this proves how games can be beneficial and good for your health some video games like the Wii can keep you active and have fun at the same time.
In conclusion video games are the greatest way to have fun at home, also a great way to stay healthy. I know they were made to have fun but now it’s a new century and new video game will come out in the world and change life for people that have them.

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