Addicted Adolescents | Teen Ink

Addicted Adolescents

November 1, 2013
By Anonymous

Addicted Adolescents

Are teens around the world too technologically developed? It seems like technology has become a type of drug, and teens are becoming addicted to it. Technology takes a huge impact on someone’s personal life, and with out connection to technology they can feel isolated. Technology can impact our personality, emotions, and affects our modern day schools, and how we are learning. Is technology taking over our lives? Now lets see how the modern day gadgets are controlling us today, and why we are so attached to them.

Why are we so addicted to technology? Researchers say that kids who had their phone taken away from them during school felt distracted, confused, and isolated. School is just about 7-8 hours a day! Some students said that they felt isolate from the social world, just unplugged from technology for just one day. When children text on their phones, they feel a feeling of comfort, like they are connected with something. Teens have become impatient when they cannot connect with the social world. For example, when some teens go out to dinner with their family they have to have their phone with them the whole time, and if they get a text, or notification, they will take their phone out during a family dinner. I understand that phones are an example of a good gadget in case of an emergency, but a silly text, or notification can wait. Every new form of technology seems to take over somebody. When a new version of an old gadget comes out, it is sometimes all we think about. For example, when the IOS 7 update came out for the IPhone my school’s Internet got extremely slow because almost every high school/middle school student was downloading the update. That affected people who were trying to use the Internet for school use, not social use. Overall, technology has become a drug to teens all over the world.

Technology has impacted schools, and how we teach today. So many schools have improved the technology in the classroom. Since the phone, and computer, etc. have new apps, and usages, kids turn to technology for a short cut. For example, teens use for researching words, and definitions. Do you till use a dictionary for vocabulary? Some teens also said that they forgot how to do long division, because they just did the math on a calculator (An ugly toll of technology). It can be difficult to communicate with the teacher if everyone is on a computer doing a lesson, rather than having a class discussion. It is hard to concentrate when you are multitasking during class. Grammar has also gotten worse. For instance, when some teens type a paper, write an essay, or project they will use “texting symbols”. Some major ones are, “u”, “l8ter”, forgetting to capitalize letters, putting periods at the end of sentences, and more. Overall, Technology has impacted how teens act, and preform at school.

Technology takes a huge impact on teen’s personalities, emotions, and their daily life. Excessive use of Internet, cellphones, and other gadgets can cause people to be impatience. Teens have become lazy due to the immediate answers from the Internet. They expect answers before they take time to think about the problem they are trying to answer. Statistics say that kids spend nearly 55 hours a week watching TV, texting, playing video games, etc. Kids are being consumed by technology. An article in the New York Times states that children have been reliant on immediate answers. For example, when teens are talking to teachers they will want answers quickly, from experience growing up with fast technology. Humans are not technology. It has become a common issue that kids are loosing learning values. Technology is interfering with teen’s daily life. Technology is a distraction from family, and friends. For instance, when a group of 4-6 year olds were asked between watching TV, and spending quality time with family, 54% of them said TV. Teens need to spend more time with family than technology. All in all technology has changed teens personalities, and impacts their daily life.

In conclusion, technology is so much fun but we can drown in our technology. “The fog of information can drive out knowledge.” – Daniel J Boorstin. Teens not only in America, but also all over the world have become completely addicted to technology, and have lost connection to the real world. Technology has changed the way teens learn at school, and how we communicate with others. I think that technology is an addict ant to teens. Are you using technology 24/7?
Can you change the way you use technology?

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