Not Feeling the Bern | Teen Ink

Not Feeling the Bern

November 19, 2015
By DoctahPeppah BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
DoctahPeppah BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
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To get this out of the way first, I am a moderate Republican, while this may skew my views on Senator Bernie Sanders, overall I believe he is a horrible choice for anything related to American politics. His ideals on nuclear energy, socialism in America, and lack of sympathy to the Palestinian cause disgust me. These few ideals not only do not follow the traditional American values, they would also ruin the integrity of America as a whole. While he may be a great person who is extremely kind and caring, his beliefs go against everything America stands for.
Nuclear energy is the future. It is not only the most efficient power resource on the planet at this time, it is also one of the safest. Now, I imagine you’re thinking of events like Chernobyl and Fukushima, but these are only small cases where either intense greed or just plain stupidity. Overall, nuclear energy will be what fuels America into the next age, and retaking our place as the world superpower. However Senator Bernie Sanders wants to cease the introduction of new nuclear power plants and revoke the licenses of current ones. I see how some people could be cautious towards nuclear energy because of the few errors I mentioned earlier, but a total termination of nuclear energy in America is idiotic and just an ignorant ideal to have.

Nuclear energy represents America’s future, and democracy and capitalism represents America’s past and present. Senator Sanders’ political beliefs go against what America was built upon. Socialism which was what takes place in the Scandinavian countries like Denmark and Sweden may work over there and that’s fine with me. It works over there and that’s ok. America is not Scandinavia though. America is not set up the same way, socialism would never work here. It does not fit our ideals. It does not fit our history. It does not fit our America. Senator Sanders’ wants to regulate our free trade, we didn’t stand for it in 1776, and we will not stand for it in 2015.

Speaking of 2015, one of the most dangerous areas in the world right now is Israel/Palestine. Historically, this region belonged to the Palestinians and in 1948 their land was taken from them and given to the Israelites. Since then, the region has been ravaged by constant warfare. Countless travesties have been partaken by both sides and neither side is totally innocent. Senator Sanders’ has been completely ignorant of the Palestinians cause and has been in support of Israel’s actions. I understand that his belief in Judaism may sway his stance, but a complete ignorance of their actions is despicable. It’s revolting that anyone could support Israel’s goals of taking Palestinian lands and removing the native Palestinians from their homes.

These three stances of Senator Bernie Sanders are just a few examples of the horrible ideals that he stands for. Stopping America’s progress into this new era of humanity is just so bizarre to me how anyone could support this man. To not seem like I just flat out hate the guy, I do agree with his acceptance of the LGBT community and Cannabis legalization, he has some good ideals that I can certainly get behind, but it’s just the bad outweighing the good here. Senator Bernie Sanders does not have my vote in 2016, if he even makes it there.

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