Legal Guns | Teen Ink

Legal Guns

May 4, 2016
By _Richray BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
_Richray BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In America it's not safe when people walk around carrying illegal guns. Many people are literally crazy and have attitude problems like me and will go beyond crazy when they get mad.

America would be safer if people would have legal guns or the right to have them like having concealed carried weapon. Guns aren’t even a bad thing. It’s just how people use them you should only use them for protection then America gun violence rate wouldn't be so high.

If people were coming to try to get a registered gun they should get a background check. Like if they have a felony or  any other bad things on they name they should not be able to get a  gun. Even if they take medication for being bipolar or who has mental illnesses that could put us citizens in danger they should not get the privilege to get a registered gun. There should be a law saying if you use a gun other than for protecting yourself or family you get charged with a crime. A crime that's not bad yo first time because people do make mistakes  but second time get something that's really serious.

Sometimes it be because of the parents being irresponsible. Many of us black teenagers ARE really the main individuals that's losing are lifes of bullets. They find they parents guns and play with me and end up killing one another or setting it off on accident. Even when people do use guns for protection they always use it in the wrong way. They can accidentally shoot somebody when they think it something when it's not.

The gun violence is getting really out of hand. One 14 year old girl lost her life from a bullet for no reason. She was just walking and some boys thought she was somebody else when she wasn't then they just start shooting. Just that quick Aaliyah died all because of gun violence and people let things get to them. People don't know how to handle things in a better way, I mean my attitude is bad too and when i'm mad i don't think about situations that's why i think i should not be given the privilege to get a gun.

Although some people said America would not be safer without legal guns and i disagree with them because TEENS are using them for reasons they shouldn’t be used.  My mother disagree with not letting people get a gun that has mental illnesses because she said that they be needing protection too. She said police has the privilege to get guns but they killing people too as much as people that don’t has the privilege to get a gun. 

The reason Gun Violence should stop in my opinion is because parents children are dying and sent to jail for life sometimes for one mistake because they doesn’t know until it happens. The government's need to start thinking about new law and what they going to do about these deadly weapons. They should take everyone’s opinion and then see what they think.



CNN. Cable News Network. Web. 04 May 2016.

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