electronics devices | Teen Ink

electronics devices

December 14, 2012
By Jboggy BRONZE, Saline, Michigan
Jboggy BRONZE, Saline, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone in today gets distracted while driving. Some states have passed a law for any drivers under the age eighteen to not use any electronic or communication devices while operating a vehicle. States should not ban communication or electronics devices from young drivers.

Young drivers should be able to use the electronic devices while driving because it isn't necessary if there is an emergency and it’s urgent that they have to use the electronic devices to reach whomever they need to contact at that moment. in addition if a young driver saw a accident they would have to report to the authorities, and would have to use their, not you communication devices to make that stressful call.

Drivers under the age eighteen are being discriminated against because they're young and inexperienced behind the wheel. You can be under eighteen and a very responsible and prudent driver good driver. Being a target if under the age eighteen is not right because both adult and younger drivers can both get into accidents no matter what the situation may be.

Distraction can occur in both younger and older drivers for both eighteen or older and younger driver. Simply changing your radio can cause a very bad accident. Having other passenger on the vehicle can also cause a accident for both young and adult drivers. Its going to be hard to enforce the law of banning communication and electronic devices for young drivers because they will still be in use and they will hide their devices from higher authorities.
In conclusion, states should not ban communication or electronics devices from young drivers. Young drivers should be able to use electronic and communication devices if necessary, because they may need it for emergencies. they should be discriminated against because the driver is under eighteen, because they could be a really good driver, and both young and adult divers get distracted on the road. In the end, will banning electronic devices really matter?

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