Everyone Can Be Succesful | Teen Ink

Everyone Can Be Succesful

November 21, 2014
By Crystal Igwe BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
Crystal Igwe BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I think it’s about time that people stop assuming that someone’s success is limited, based on their race. People need to move their minds away from stereotypes surrounding this topic. You shouldn’t live your life thinking that everyone around you thinks you have a future of failure. Just because you are a minority does not mean that you are destined to fail. It needs to be less of a surprise when these minorities are succeeding. Too many times are successful students of color left feeling out of place because they are doing well. Although getting good grades is a reward in itself, it can come with being called names or being shunned by other members of that minority. Just because you care about your education and want to be successful in life doesn’t mean you think you’re above everyone else.  It just means you are rising above and taking the steps needed to get you to your goal. Although it is true that people who are involved in crime and violence have a tendency to be minorities, this shouldn’t be a representation of every person that is a member of that minority. Everyone makes their own choices and has an equal chance of success. As long as you work hard and put your mind to it, no matter what race or cultural background you are from, you can succeed.

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