PS4 Is Better than Xbox One | Teen Ink

PS4 Is Better than Xbox One

January 8, 2016
By Anonymous

There has been a war that has waged for almost a decade now.It is the war Playstation vs. xbox, or Sony vs. Microsoft if you want to get technical about it. There is no right or wrong, but there is a better or worse. Playstation is better than xbox due to sales, graphics, and power.

One of the reasons PS4 is better than xbox one is because of the sales Ps4 gets.”Playstation 4 is outselling xbox one 2 to 1 right now surpassing 22.3 million systems sold worldwide, while Microsoft’s sales numbers are 12.8 million”(Swider) This obviously shows that the community prefers to spend their money on a better system. This also shows that PS4 is the more popular system. What I read from Idigitaltimes, despite Microsoft's best efforts black friday of 2015 Sony still outsold them. This could be due to the fact that the community thinks that playstation is better for their buck. In conclusion, the PS4 has better sales than the xbox one.

Another reason ps4 is better than xbox one is because of the graphics power PS4 has. “A gameplay video on youtube of grand theft auto 5 pans between the two next-gen versions of the game with a definitive answer. The PS4 GPU is able to handle more foliage in environments.”(Swider) This is good because, when you have a game that has a environment that moves around a lot, it won't keep stopping. “It’s a trend we’re seeing from past PS4 games that achieve a 1080p resolution at 30 or 60 FPS when their xbox one counterparts run at 720p or 900p at 30 or 60 FPS”(Swider) faster graphics means that it’ll run smoother so that it won't be choppy. In conclusion, the PS4’s graphics card is way better than xbox one’s. As a result, the PS4 has more graphic potential than xbox one.

My last reason is that PS4 has more power in it’s system. “PS4 has a distinct advantage with faster 8GB GDDR5 memory, while xbox one went with the slower bandwidth of 8GB DDR3 variety.”(Swider) This gives game developers more opportunity to make better games for PS4. “ PS4 reserves up to 3.5GB for its operating system, leaving 4.5GB/ according to documentation. They can sometimes access an extra 1GB of ‘flexible’ memory when it’s available, but that’s no guaranteed.”(Swider) This also gives people that want to make games go all out. “The PS4 and xbox one specs have similar AMD architecture at their core, but contrast like apples and oranges when it comes to memory. Only developers can determine how this battle is won.”(Swider.) If you read all of this part you can tell which one is the winner. In the end, these sources prove the point that PS4 has more power.

In this part I’m going to tell you what xbox fans might say and prove why it’s wrong. They might say that xbox has better games, but PS4 littlebigplanet 3 was given a 4 out of 5 while xbox’s forza 5 was given a 3 out of 5. They might also say that xbox has a better cooling system, but I tested with which system overheated faster and xbox was the one that overheated faster. The last thing they might say is that xbox has backward compatibility, but who cares about last gen games.

In conclusion, I have proved that the PS4 is way better than the xbox one because of sales, graphics and power. For those who are still doubting it, read this essay again and maybe you will be convinced. Thank you and good day.

Swider, Matt. “PS4 vs Xbox One: Which Is Better?” TechRadar. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Jan. 2016.

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this is an opinion

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