False Influences | Teen Ink

False Influences

February 6, 2016
By Isaac1 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Isaac1 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the central region of Los Angeles lies the area known as Hollywood: a world unlike that of the rest of the population. Hollywood has become a widely recognized name that is home to many of the most famous celebrities in today’s world. A simple mention of this name to the general public and an array of topics such as movie stars, sports cars and mansions automatically come to mind. What is it that has made this area and the people that inhabit it so famous throughout the world?

Although not realized by many people, Hollywood has struck an interest throughout the population because of the glimpse that it offers into how these “celebrities” live their lives. Perhaps the interest for some people comes from the fancy cars and the multi-million dollar mansions; for others, it may be all of the drama that takes place. Whatever the source of interest may be, regular individuals subconsciously feel that these things are unobtainable in their lives. The separation of the two worlds, Hollywood vs. everywhere else, is not created by Hollywood, but by individuals of society themselves. It has become a common notion that Hollywood is extremely wealthy and the rest of the world lags behind in many ways. Therein, lies the problem: Hollywood should not receive a higher level of importance than the rest of the world.

  It is nobodies’ fault other than our own that Hollywood stands at a higher ranking in the social hierarchy than everyone else. Society has come to spend copious amounts of time worrying about Hollywood’s problems and to downplay the importance of the problems that are taking place in real life. In today’s society, individuals consistently focus on the successes of the characters in Hollywood. Rather than focusing on such, individuals need to focus on how to solve their own problems. By doing so, the rest of society has the potential to become as “successful” as the most famous of the Hollywood celebrities.

To even further decrease the distinction between the two “worlds,” society must take a broader view of the situation in Hollywood. Individuals must consider why they classify Hollywood celebrities as so much more successful than themselves. The vast majority of celebrities are dealing with problems just the same as everyone else. In fact, the problems that many of them are dealing with have forced them to live a life in depression. The widespread idea that celebrities live the “model life” is not true in the least. The lives that celebrities live may appear to be luxurious on the outside, but in reality they face a number of the same problems as we do.

Society has faced many consequences by allowing celebrities to continue increasing their importance in today’s world. While celebrities can offer a break from the problems in reality, focusing too much on their lives has been continually halting the advancements of today’s society. It is crucial for individuals to focus more on the problems that they are personally facing, rather than the drama of celebrities. By doing so, individuals will be able to reach the levels of success that they believe celebrities have accomplished. Until individuals learn to stop focusing on the lives of celebrities, these pop-stars will continue to live in a world separate from ours. Some individuals may continue to enjoy this distinction between the two worlds because it offers a view of something that they will never have; others will eventually realize that they have the ability to become just as successful and that the only things holding them back were themselves.

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