Age Versus the Road | Teen Ink

Age Versus the Road

May 9, 2019
By charleyhalp BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
charleyhalp BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Over the past year, 14 million Americans aged 18 to 64 were estimated to be involved in accidents caused by drivers aged 65 and over.”(cite) This shocking statistic goes to show that elderly drivers are oftentimes dangerous and they should be given yearly driving tests to ensure everyone’s safety. With these tests, elders and the people around them can be confident in their skills. Also, if everyone knows that they are qualified to drive, fewer accidents would occur. Some say that drivers will always be able to drive safely, but that is not always the case due to medical issues caused by aging. Elders should partake in yearly driving tests in order to prevent tragic situations and give comfort to everyone around them.

There should be a yearly driving test for people over a certain age to give an overall sense of comfort. All people would know that the elderly can drive safely. If this were to be in place, loved ones would not have to worry about their elderly relatives getting behind the wheel. This also allows for other drivers on the road to feel safe while driving near an elderly person. Additionally, the elderly driver themselves would be confident in their own driving skills. This would stop paranoid drivers from being scared to drive at all. Elderly drivers would also be able to feel comfortable having others in the car with them while driving. Elderly drivers and their peers would have much more confidence in their skills if driving tests were given yearly.

Similarly, in order to prevent tragic situations, people should be required to take yearly driving tests over a certain age. Such tests would prevent people from having to spend an excessive amount of money. One would not have to pay for vehicle repairs if and elder were to crash their car. Also, people would avoid medical bills in case of an injury. Another tragic situation to occur would be serious car crashes with devastating effects. In a crash, often times the person hit goes after the family of the elder with a lawsuit, and this can deeply affect a family, and their quality of life. Probably the worst consequence is the possible death of the elderly driver in the result of a crash. Both of these situations can be avoided with the testing of a driver's ability in their elderly years.

Opposing arguments may say that one cannot forget the rules of the road over time. Many people believe that once a person learns how to drive, they are able to drive for their whole lives without trouble. These opposing ideas also believe that experience makes these elderly drivers more cautious and more fit for the road. Although some elderly people are still able to drive efficiently, this situation is not the common case. Symptoms such as hearing loss, blindness, and slower reaction time, all contribute to why it is dangerous for elders to be on the road without proper tests being done. Once they have passed such tests, then other drivers, and the elders, themselves, can be confident on the road. Once elders have passed such tests, then other drivers and themselves can be confident while driving.

Elderly drivers who are no longer fit to drive can cause tragic situations and cause for many of their peers to worry, but these problems can be fixed if yearly driving tests are put in place for people over a certain age. Comfort and confidence in one's road skills can be a crucial aspect that every elderly driver and their peers should have. An accident can also cause big problems such as death and loss of money. Although some may defend an elder’s ability to drive, they still should take tests to ensure everyone’s safety. Hopefully, in the future, we can ensure safe roads for all drivers because of yearly driving tests.

The author's comments:

This piece is my opinion on how the elderly should take yearly driving tests to ensure the safety of all.

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