Breaking free from the chains of agony | Teen Ink

Breaking free from the chains of agony

February 9, 2024
By Sassy_sugar BRONZE, Lucknow, Other
Sassy_sugar BRONZE, Lucknow, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
What’s life without a little risk

The Human mind is a complex cluster of a spiral of emotions. In this vast realm, pain strikes a dissonant chord that reverberates deep within our souls. In the silence of despair, self-harm becomes a sad effort at solace for some, for whom this discordant note becomes an unwanted companion.
Self-harm is a vicious cycle that entangles the mind and heart with a complex web of feelings, ideas, and behaviors. It begins quietly, often unheeded, like an inviting whisper of short-lived comfort during times of overwhelming distress. The pain, whether emotional or psychological, becomes an unbearable burden, a heavy cloak draped upon shoulders already weary from the weight of existence. 

At first, self-harm seems like a promise of relief. It presents itself as a temporary balm, a fleeting moment where the tangible pain overshadows the intangible turmoil within. For a brief moment, it offers a sense of control in a world spinning out of grasp, a cruel illusion of mastery over the chaos within.
Gradually, the comfort turns into shame or guilt. This false sense of relief is short-lived, like a candle that flickers during a storm. As the physical scars heal, the emotional ferocity returns. The mental turmoil caves in upon the already darkened corridors of the mind.
The cycle eventually becomes a constant leap between comfort and guilt. The scars, both visible and hidden, become a map of suffering etched onto the canvas of the self, a constant reminder of a battle fought within.

The average age of the first incident of self-harm is as low as the tender age of thirteen. Children as young as 7 years old report engaging in self-injury. Self-harm is most common among adolescents and young adults. Yet 45% seek help that too only from their peers instead of professionals. 

To escape this pattern will require unprecedented bravery. It requires facing the suffering head-on with acceptance, comprehension, and compassion instead of using a blade or any other self-inflicted damage. Reaching out is necessary to shatter the oppressive quiet and let the light of empathy and support shine through the shadows. Recognizing that suffering does not equal weakness is the first step towards healing. Although it is a strong and bold emotion, it does not determine a person’s value. Seeking support from loved ones, or experts is a sign of strength rather than weakness—it shows how willing one is to embrace vulnerability. Breaking the cycle of self-harm is a road marked by small wins, by each moment of choosing self-love over self-harm, by each thought of extending kindness towards ourselves. It's about learning constructive coping mechanisms, about finding comfort in art, nature, or simply in the warmth of a kind hug.
Self-harm is a brutal cycle that is tough to break, but it is not unbeatable. Breaking free requires time, patience, and unshakable firmness. It is about moving to a fresh page of your story, creating a fresh image of the drive, and seeing that scars are beautiful signs of survival rather than painful reminders of one's past.

To all who are caught in this cycle: you are not alone. Your sorrow is real, and there is hope at the end of the tunnel. Your story is still being written, by you, and with each chapter, there lies the promise for healing, growth, and a sense of freedom.

Remember, you are worthy of love, of kindness, and of a life free from the chains of self-harm. The journey to healing may be demanding and challenging, but with each step taken towards self-love, you discover a new level of self-affection every day and you inch closer to breaking the cycle and embracing a life filled with strength, resilience, and boundless possibilities.

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